This terrifying video reveals the damage COVID-19 causes throughout the body

Originally published at:


Contributed by Jennifer Sandlin…

I’m glad someone is still paying attention to this fucking pandemic…


I’m shocked when I go out these days, and I’m the only one wearing a mask. A few months ago, I still saw some people wearing them, but lately, nothing. Perhaps I’m imagining it, but it even seems like I get some odd looks for wearing mine. (Luckily, where I am in California, no one actually gives me grief for wearing one, unlike other parts of the country.) Yet nothing has changed - except we’re further into the current wave. Everyone seems to have “moved on,” and I don’t get it.

Unless some new, radically more effective vaccine comes out (and the interest to develop one doesn’t seem to be there), I expect to be wearing a mask in public for the rest of my life. (Not getting a cold or flu again is a side benefit, but I don’t think I’d wear a mask year-round just for that.)


The US is currently experiencing a largely underreported surge of new variants. I also remain certified N95 masked.


yep. same in germany (or at least berlin); Im starting to feel slightly uncomfortable when in shops as the only one wearing a mask, but luckily not as uncomfortable without one over my face.


Sure. The disinformation alone sure did a number on this dude: blink


No no, that was the brain worms…


Assumes facts not in evidence.



I think you might have just confirmed my original point but, yeah, there were the brain worms he’s been claiming. lol


I’m with team Clean Air. So I’m sticking with wearing a well fitted respirator, such as 3M Aura N95 filtering facepiece respirator.

Just wearing a genuine N95 doesn’t insure good protection. Fit varies from person to person, and even a good N95 can leak massivley on different people. A good seal is key to to getting the most performance from your respirator - the filter media doesn’t do you any good if the air is just going around it - so a fit test is a really good idea if you can get one. You can even do one on your own with commercial 3M fit test solution and a nebulizer or ultrasonic mister - the fit test solution aerosolizes particles you can taste if the get in your mask around the seal.

You can also buy this home version of a commercial fit test kit. (Or use the instructions and your own independently acquired supplies.)

A fit test doesn’t necessarily make your mask fit better, it mostly lets you know whether or not you should try a different model of mask that fits you better.

It makes me sad when I see people wearing surgical masks - they want to be safer but either can’t afford better masks, or don’t know that surgical masks leak about 50%.


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