Could you make zero trash for 30 days?

The excuse that my area gives is that the recycling is all machine-sorted, and the thin plastic of #4 bags can easily get caught in the machine and gum up the works.

Many of my neighbors are trying to make ends meet by filling their houses to the rafters with family or tenants. Their driveways have 5 or 6 or more cars, while ours has only one. But it’s especially noticeable on trash night… they have two or three cans, overflowing, while ours is never in that situation. It’s a pain, because the crows know, and end up making a total mess.

Another interesting feature is that most of my neighbors don’t seem to bother with their recycling bins.

Those are for kitty litter, or were as no more plastic shopping bags here. As I mentioned above it has to go into the bin for me and a big bag for all the small daily bags.


The bags that make it home without holes in the bottom get used for kitteh litter, but the ratio is about 5:1, so there are a lot of useless bags that need to go back to the store. I get the ratio a smidge closer to 4:1 by using the slightly damaged ones for lining small trash bins.

What are you putting the litter in these days?


In the garbage as county and city regulations say no flushing even if you have flushable litter. Not so bad in the summer where the back yard is the litter box most of the time but right now definitely a heavy bag of clay every week.
I have tried other litter but at least one kitty never likes it and states it by using the floor right next to the box.


True about the cardboard, but I can’t find anyone around here who takes the polystyrene vacuum-formed shells (:rage:) that certain manufacturers and retailers love.

I have visions of someone breaking down around day five screaming “I need more cars!!!” and buying a dozen new ones.

Our last car was scrapped but that was part of a program to remove older inefficient cars from the road.


The local depot finally started taking it. Before that the option was to drive it an hour away and it had to be in pristine condition. A few stores would take the polystyrene from the stuff they sold. My guess is that in order for it to be economically viable it needs to not be contaminated and that kind of rules out the usual curb side pickups.

Can you make zero trash for 30 days?

Not if I’m trying to become a minimalist in 30 days at the same time.


“I didn’t produce any trash for 30 days.”
“I created a Buzzfeed article.”



Metal, glass, plastic, and sometimes cardboard go in the recycle bin. In the winter, cardboard and paper go in the fireplace. Bad food gets thrown away, but could be tossed in the woods out back instead. Pretty much the only trash I make is flimsy wrappers (like candy bars) and contaminated paper items (paper towels used to wipe something up, or used kleenexes). I could do a month with zero trash easy…by myself.

But somehow, whenever I take the trash out and put a fresh clean bag in the can, in the time it takes me to throw away one candy bar wrapper and a paper towel, my family has magically already filled the trash can to overflowing again. I don’t know how they do it. It almost seems to violate the fundamental laws of physics.

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