Couple shares strange furbaby 'childbirth' photos

Not just you.

I’m a mom as well, and I don’t feel ‘disrespected.’ I just think these people have way too much free time on their hands.

Too cute.


Do you want Islands of Dr Moreau. because this is how you get Islands of Dr Moreau


the ambivalent sneer of a proud cat father


So that’s where cats get it from…


Probably because they have a cat instead of a kid!


“Where is the cat?”

“It’s eating/sleeping/pooping in a box.” The most mischief most get into is pushing something off a shelf or tearing up the toilet paper.

“It’s quiet… too quiet… Where is the kid?”

“Oh sweet Jesus, no! Oh god no, it’s EVERYWHERE!”



True that - I edited my post for even greater clarity.

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Just had one of those moments when I couldn’t work out whether what I just read was a blow-hard rant or a hilarious piss-take… Like when ego-vegans go ape-shit over fake-meat stuff…

(edit: typo)

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Women die giving birth. Literally every single day. It’s dangerous, hard work. That’s not a “piss-take” it’s reality.


I respectfully disagree. I used to work from home and bottle-raised kittens for a local rescue.
My favorite “mischief” they perpetrated was just after I’d printed out a particularly awful chapter for editing—they spread the pages around and pooped all over them. (I did not send the pages to the author. In case you were wondering.)
Though their lack of thumbs hampered them in some respects, their coordination was better than the average toddler’s, and the mayhem was comparable.


I can’t believe no one has said this yet:

What a nice pussy!


I agree, @StoneyMahoney was out of line. But as to the people getting mad…

Weird, bizarre, slightly creepy? Certainly. But worth getting genuinely angry over? If a dumb stunt like this is someone’s bar for getting angry, how does that person have a moment of not angry in their whole life? It’s their life, but I couldn’t live that way.

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Yeah, and I disagreed with @traci about that, actually, because I didn’t think the couple were making these to make fun of childbirth, but to make fun of people who share childbirth pictures publicly and to make fun of people who treats their pets like children…


Agreed. I was too weirded out by the whole thing to catch that, but after I read your comment, I concur that was probably the intent. Basically I agree with the message lampooning oversharing and treating pets like humans; but the method left me nonplussed.


Yeah, just because that might have been their intent, doesn’t mean it was successful in expressing that.


In fairness, it could just be a difference in sense of humor. I recognize I’m not the target audience of every joke. Worrying about it wouldn’t be worth elevating my blood pressure. To each their own.


Aaaahhhhhh… that’s too cute. I take it back.

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I wholeheartedly agree that this is a terrible thing, but the jump from “a couple celebrating the adoption of their new cat as a parody” to “disrespectful mockery of poverty-driven death”… there’s simply nothing in the images that supports the later interpretation. At all. Excuse me for seeing the unintentional edgy humour, because there sure as shit isn’t anything tragic to see here. At all.

I’d love to know why. Not in an aggressive, how-dare-you-not-get-the-joke way, I’m actually curious.


It’s dangerous for any woman. Poverty compounds the danger, and the outcome in most developed economies for women is much better, but it’s still dangerous over all.

I actually agree with that interpretation of the images, BTW, I didn’t find them to be disrepsectful. I can see how someone would come to that conclusion, however. But perhaps you should read all my comments before making assumptions about my views. I’d appreciate that.

Others might disagree. Edgy humor can easily morph into being flat out disrespectful and often does. It’s a fine line between punching up and punching down sometimes.