Court sides with cheerleader punished for writing "fuck cheer"

I’m extremely pleased that the arrogant overly authoritarian Mahanoy Area High School school board got the dirty end of the stick rammed up their ass. :grin:
This made my day much better.

The difference in your comment is that, as a private employer, your work can tell you what you can and cannot discuss at work. The school system, as a arm of the government, cannot punish you for constitutionally protected speech. Especially if it occurs in private away from school. That’s why the school system lost


An email: The PA Coal Regions are really part of the Bible Belt

11:10 AM
The school districts in Schuylkill County keep losing law suits over control of students outside of school property .

Is there some sort of syndrome that prevents learning from past mistakes that is transmitted by the water?

This Machine fights Fascism: (had a picture of the Human Brain here)

I had a rather pleasent youth but now that I’ve learned to think for myself I’m so glad I left home and became part of the future and not the past.

Blue Mountain HS class of 1961
Orwigsburg, Schuylkill County, PA
now of Pine Island, Fl


Politically I’m a Unicorn. I’d love to understand Noam Chomsky’s concept of Libertarian Socialism. I’ve been writting comments and letters since I retired in ‘06 on all sorts of things like abuse of authority- especially Sir Robert Peel’s Principles of Policing from 1829, Human rights, re-legalization of Cannabis, etc. I’ve bin sayin’ that we can expect a huge surgre in Children’s Rights in the near future, including ease of emancipation. Although part of our children’s problems have to do with the failure of our educational system I don’t think the Betsy DeVoss idea of ‘Tear it down’ will improve anything. We are not getting the quality of teachers that anyone trying to learn deserves and their methods are only a few steps above the old rote memorization. If our teachers are wanting for quality wait until you consider the administrators who become part of the decision making process.
Normally I am against just treating the symptoms of a problem and favor going after the core cause but our educational problems are so complex that all we can do is try to protect our future generations from abuse and neglect by going after these problems one at a time.
So I’ll mark this one up as a win for the good guys.

fuck school fuck softball fuck cheer fuck everything

When I was 15, this was a reasonably accurate summary of the lyrics of most of my CD collection.

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