Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann loses defamation lawsuits against Rolling Stone, CBS, ABC, NYT, and Gannett

I was reading estimates after legal fees were likely in the low to mid 5 figures.


I like how as soon as people found out the kids didn’t move into the area the media just ignored the tomahawk chops and shit they were doing. I don’t really understand how the spin even worked here despite the very expensive PR machine used for it.


Super duper upvotes for turning Shrkrelis into a unit of measurement for punchability.


It’s like a Farad. Most of the time you’re dealing with micro-Shkrelis, or even pico-Shkrelis, but every so often you run up against 3.87 Shkrelis, and that’s when you have to have special protective procedures around so you don’t short anything with a resulting massive explosion.


I assume 3.87 is a total over multiple people. Models suggest one can’t be anything past ~2.8, because such a person would keep breaking their own face every time they caught a glimpse of it in a window or spoon.


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