Originally published at: Crazy story about a guy who got an FBI record at age 12 for making a secret code with his friend | Boing Boing
That was pretty funny. It’m sure a lot of Happy Mutants here will relate to this story.
If they’d bother to decode his message, they’re have realized it was just a commercial for Ovaltine.
That’s a great story!
He should FOIA a copy of his FBI record.
“Lady, this case has cost the government thousands of dollars. It has been the top priority in our office for the last six weeks. We traced the glasses to your son from the prescription by examining the files of nearly every optometrist in San Diego.”
Putting provocative information on your form can speed up the security clearance process.
Sure. They read it and toss your application in the trash.
Pratt lost the piece of paper with the cipher while he was riding on a streetcar trolley.
No, I think that was Earnest, not Pratt.
Nice catch!
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