Creeps pretending to be feminists

Basically, any person who makes themselves the center of a topic that isn’t based on their experiences (male feminists, white anti-racists, cishet LGBT allies, etc.) send up red flags for me. It happens all the time. It happens in every discussion of topics about non-white not-men on these forums. What these people don’t understand, and the lack of understanding is deep and visceral, is that it is not about them. They have an infantile belief that everything is directed to them and is meant for their consumption and commentary. Some cishet people, for example, see/hear the word “cis” and read/hear “you, specifically you” even though the context is clearly a general discussion of a topic that is not about cis people, such as the murder of a trans WOC. I don’t have a point, other than it is incredibly difficult to have discussions with these people around because they constantly derail and try to make the topic about them. It is the most irritating thing in any kind of discourse.