There is a difference between happening to find a woman aesthetically unappealing, and making that judgement because they are a woman. It’s often quite easy to find out if double-standards are being applied from context or questions. I was in some online chats last year where people were complaining about Hillary Clinton’s perceived lack of sex appeal, as if that was a smug and obvious thing to do. When I asked them why they found Trumpelstiltskin more sexually appealing it caught them off guard, and they explained it away as a non-question. Which highlighted the double-standard being employed.
It can cut the other way as well. A relative a years ago who resented that her father found Sarah Palin physically attractive, and she ranted to me about how Palin’s appearance isn’t “all that”, rather than criticise her political positions or ability to communicate them. She had cognitive dissonance and raged at my explanation that wherever a person is placed on an aesthetic appeal spectrum is still a superficial way to evaluate their competance.