Creepy fashion tips from the Duggars’ Christian homeschool cult curriculum

Where is that screenshot from?

[quote=“Abiatha_Swelter, post:55, topic:58694, full:true”]The refernce to Itten’s color theory seemed particularly jarring. One little shred of reality that seems very out of place here. I mean, referencing the Bauhaus in a guide to conservative dress codes? I think that’s the weirdest thing in here.[/quote]I most strongly associate it with the likes of Avon (thanks in part to the blurb in Roger and Me). It also occurs to me that there could well be a substantial overlap between homeschoolers and multilevel marketing cosmetics salespeople. Hmm…



In all seriousness, what the fuck? Is this all these people have to worry about? Clearly not, as I understand things…

I have seen my share of tasty tibiae… but enough about watching Hannibal.

Basically, they worry about the end times. And part of worrying about the end times is dressing as “holy” as possible by their standards, so they will hopefully skip the more terrible parts of the book of Revelations.

Sapphire & Steel, Assignment IV.

The eye trap is none of those women have a face!

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This. My marriage would have been illegal in much of the country back then.

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