Cuba appears to be jamming amateur (ham) radio communicsations

Originally published at: Cuba appears to be jamming amateur (ham) radio communicsations | Boing Boing


A very “ham-fisted” way to block communications.


Please Cuba, do not pump up the jam


That was very un-revolutionary of them.


They’re really going ham on these protesters


@pesco, there is a typo in the title (communicSations).


Strange how all communist countries aggressively restrict communication amongst their people and actively prohibit any criticisms of the regime. It’s as though they realize that Marxism and other forms of collectivism are fundamentally flawed but to keep hold of power (you know, for the people), they have to go to these extremes.

Suspicious On To You GIF by Originals

Don’t you know we’re all Marxist here?


Yep. Just poking the bear. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You should read a little bit about the history of Cuba, and how the United States has spent the last century exploiting it.
The people of Cuba may well be protesting against their government, and want change, but if you think they’d welcome America back, you’ll be disappointed.
Read the Wikipedia article about Batista, it is enlightening, and includes such gems as:

Batista’s repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba’s commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships both with the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinational companies who were awarded lucrative contracts.

Cubans haven’t forgotten.



Latin America, the Middle East and Asia haven’t forgotten either. The US only cares about itself and to this day they are more than willing to pollute, exploit and impoverish other countries as long as it benefits itself. Corruption however is the carrot that keeps everyone eager to continue the bullshit, as long as those in power get to make money they don’t care what happens to the people.


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It seems to me like a lot of people’s takeaway from Animal Farm is that, because Napoleon was bad, the animals should’ve stuck with Mr. Jones.


Not sure I mentioned America anywhere in my post but Batista led an illegitimate military coup and ground the country down due to strict economic regulations, causing the economy to collapse (as what always happens when a dictator takes over). However, it pales to what the Marxists did to the country (again, what always happens when the Marxist ideology is allowed to fester). Cubans have not forgotten that either.

Scary image. I can visualize him slowly moving around the corner, rifle in hand, ready to murder any dissidents.

That is not even nearly true.
Batista was propped up up by the US State Department, and sold out to the Mafia.
Literally sold out to organised crime, and the US government not only allowed it to happen, they supplied him the weapons and thugs he used to brutalise the population to prevent them overthrowing him.
The US is the bad guy in the history of Cuba, and it is not even debatable.


Yes,let’s uncritically reprint the claims of a supporter of regime change. I can’t see that backfiring at all.

The 1.1 MILLION people who have fled the nightmare that is Cuba since the communists took over would disagree. As for the Cuban people understanding that the USA is the cause of their problems, how many of these 1.1 million people escape to the Soviet Union or some other socialist paradise? I wonder where these 1.1 million (one tenth of the current population of Cuba) decided to flee?

I’m sure that many of the Cubans in Miami, waiting for their inheritance to be restored, kind of gloss-over if those properties were illegally acquired during the Batista regime.