More of an algae issue, I’ve been swept off rocks in that depth of water before , just went in with an innate understanding of friction on wet dead surfaces & received a schooling on friction of wet live surfaces.
This fred is not wearing cycling shoes. He is hardly even a cyclist, just a guy on a bike.
I believe here the term cyclist is used as one would use the word gentleman
Indeed. First rule for helping is: don’t add yourself to the list of people to be rescued…
The photographer would have just added to the bodies floating downstream. This way the incident is documented for the coroner.
the river runs through it
we have a flooded area in mote park… some people were tackling it…
but people were coming down from the other side un-aware that they could not pass
I was on a bike and it was like a foot deep
Very wise. I misspent my youth off-roading, and buried my Jeep in rivers more than once. Depth and speed of water is very misleading, and honestly I would never ford something that I couldn’t see the bottom of. I guess if the scooter can do it though…
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