Da Musicz

My animus can stand up all on its own.

Been listening to tracks from Iggy’s recent release via the tube of you. None are “typical” Iggy. The first track we heard sounded like a wonderful early 90s alternative sundae made with elements of Felt (from Birmingham, UK), Ride, The Ocean Blue…

Th’ above made me think of Tones on Tail, esp the guitar.

After hearing a little of this, my brain’s music section manager began rapidly combing the files. “No, not Siouxsie. Not Felt, don’t be absurd. No, not one of those great old songs you miss & whose name & artiste you’ve entirely forgot.” Then she put on Tones on Tail: first a snippet of You, the Night, and the Music, next a snippet of Rain. A tiny thing about the melody, but esp the guitar’s tone started all those mental gymnastics.

She’s currently smiling around her cup of tea, and has her feet up on her desk. A job well done.

She let me do this one on my own:

I’m now listening to

and after less than 55 sec in, I LOL’d.

This is why I LOL’d:

I know what yr thinkin’ and can’t blame you one iota, but give it a chance. It’s not what you’d expect. I’m not posting it in crap musicz.