Daily Stormer may soon have to reveal who funds its hate-fueled bullshit

I really need to re-watch that movie.

Um, is this another one of those odd British spellings? And why shouldn’t Russians fund Nazis? Stalin was fine with them. For a while at least.



This is going to be fantastic if this comes out.

I actually suspect some acquaintances to show up in the list of donors. And also a lot of politicians.

The alt right and white supremacists generally have a massive hard on for Russia and Putin. They view that country as a shining example of how to build a white ethno-state. And Putin as the last man standing between Europe and an invasion of filthy Muslim cock. And I mean that seriously these guys are incredibly concerned about non-white non-christians forcibly out breeding western culture with their massive johnsons.

It’s all disturbingly sexualised.

But ANYWAY Russian funding would thrill the daily stormer’s readers and a fair bit of the American right. Even if they stay quiet about it. Rather than discredit anyone.


The revival of the Russian Orthodox Church is also a big part of why the alt-right admire Putin’s Russia. Russia is standing up for Christian values – including homophobia – when the gay-loving, Muslim-loving libtards of western Europe are destroying their own societies and opening the floodgates to millions of Muslim immigrants who will continue to have big families forever because reasons.

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Fear of non-white men with all-conquering penises goes back a long way, certainly to the era of slavery in the Americas, and perhaps back to the Middle Ages when the Mongol hordes were raping and pillaging their way to Europe.

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Patton Oswald has a new bit about getting his DNA results, and he had a small percentage of Asian, and they were like, yeah, that was Genghis Khan. The Mongols spread out far and wide.

Found this on youtube.

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“I donated in order to troll them!”


“Gathering intel.”


“Genghis Khan Balls” LOL Thanks for that!

“The evidence for Genghis’s influence on today’s global gene pool is not iron-clad, but it is compelling—one team of scientists in 2003 found eight percent of men in 16 different Asian populations (0.5 percent of the global male population) shared nearly identical Y-chromosome sequences. Further DNA evidence traced their lineage to Mongolia about 1,000 years ago, which corresponds pretty closely with Genghis’s reign.”


Well for MONGOLIAN markers, it isn’t just Khan, but the whole army and peoples.


I really wouldn’t try to connect it to any particular historical event. At the very least our particular ideas about and fixation on race are startlingly recent. As are the purity of white women/large knob faces of it.

But if you’ve ever lurked on storm front or your various alt right and new misogynist sub reddits. It’s comical how quickly it all dissolves into penis envy and racialised sexual fetish. And that angle is directly responsible for a certain four letter abbreviation for a sexual fetish becoming a common politicised insult.

The alt right is all dicks, all the way down.


Genghis was a fascinating dude:

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Oh, my. Tell me that’s not a typo on ‘debit’ card, and this is actually what you call your credit card. Notice: I’m stealing this INSTANTLY.

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The Mongols… didn’t they have a float in the homecoming parade in Animal House ?

Well, given that for a lot of people having a credit card results in debt, it’s quite accurate.

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