Dallas restaurant tires of NRA convention racists

They very much are, as you say.

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How does that message on a receipt suddenly equal “hostility”? They would not even know about it till their meal was done and they were out the door. The restaurant and employees were not hostile to the customers - except maybe if the customer made racial remarks to the staff.



When we were growing up, my brother had a ferret who was extremely adorable and beloved by the whole family.

What would be a better construction, do you think?

Shitlamprey maybe? I don’t think anybody likes those guys.


I saw the NRA’s call for a boycott and wondered why the restaurant was torpedoing business by putting that on the receipt. Now I know… The problem now being that they don’t have the assholes coming in and bothering them, they just have the assholes making death threats, which isn’t any better.

If it hasn’t happened by this point, it isn’t going to happen, given that the NRA can’t really get any worse. (But it has happened, at least for a number of gun rights enthusiasts.)

Not all racists shitweasels! (Some don’t have guns.)

Ah, but “shit weasels” aren’t weasels - in the same way that “snot otters” aren’t actually otters, or even mammals. (Yes, “snot otters” are a thing.)

Well, quite - so the restaurant tried to dissuade NRA members from being there so customers trying to enjoy a meal wouldn’t be met with their racist hostility.


But now everyone knows in advance that Ellen’s wants to regulate them. Nobody wants to be regulated. So they simply eat somewhere else. What’s your (ahem) beef?

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Er no, I think it’s right-wing dipshits who mind being “regulated.”

I don’t mind say, having to have a license to drive a car. And I sure as hell wish guns in the U.S. were more strongly regulated.


Because they would not be met with hostility if they acted in a civil and respectful manner to the staff and fellow patrons. :slight_smile:


Or just change the construction. Instead of shitweasel, make it weaselshit. Why besmirch an adorable creature when you can associate such people with waste products instead. You may love ferrets, but you probably didn’t love what it left (in a litterbox? ).

Lampreys are annoying. They are a major pest species in the St. Lawrence seaway


Have you considered that it might have something to do with the racist shitweasles truculently threatening harm whenever they find they can’t be racist shitweasles?


Meh, maybe we should all just leave Gene alone. I think the real reason he’s here is just to piss off Joey.


Yeah, wish it had been the litter box. All too often you’d find a little cache of ferret poop in a corner behind a bookcase, or under the bed. On the plus side, by the time you found it, it had usually been there a while and was desiccated and easy to clean up.

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They make fine socks, glove linings, and collars, but weasles - and the rest of the mustelids - are a freaking disaster when they’re introduced to “a land without teeth.”



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And I learned from Bevis and Butthead that they are killed on fur farms using anal electrocution. Not sure if that is really true, but it sounds like it is and is amusing to say.

Is it?

Maybe for a 12-year-old boy…


TIL “called out for making racist comments” = “met with hostility.”

If only more racists were, by this non-violent definition, “met with hostility” every time they uttered their vile bullshit, this country would be in a much better place.



(As if racism itself weren’t already a form of “hostility.”)


Gun nuts are a bit nuts.


Major bummer.

So wishing to regulate someones hobby is being …