Data-driven analysis of the total, gratuitous inadequacy of women's pockets

I feel especially bad for my female colleagues at conferences. All the men are in suits. I have separate pockets for phone, wallet, keys, business cards, pen and small notepad, and tissues. The women have to carry things in some sort of bag and fish them out at each interaction.


Thanks, that was excellent!


NRA types usually assume fanny packs have pistols in them too. Which is where the second part of the joke comes in… if some guy in a MAGA hat sidles up and says “you got a piece in there, brother?” I’ll smile and say “check it out, friend, it’s sweet” and pull out the banana. :rofl:


I actually fit better, generally, into women’s jeans than men’s, but could never consider it over the pocket issue. But to be fair, as phones get bigger, men’s jeans aren’t working out for me either. Guess it’s cargo shorts from here on out.

@Mister44 never buy cargo pants or shorts, even Wranglers, from Target. I work at home at a standing desk, and everything I have bought there disintegrates in about 4-5 months.


I want to live in a world where more people carry concealed fruit.

Keep it up.


Likewise, there are more than a few articles of clothing meant for men, that I personally prefer over women’s attire. Apparel made for men tends to be better crafted and just sturdier overall, I’ve found…

Except for stuff from Tar-jay; everything sold there seems to be cheaply made.


Well I know I’m gonna get kickback from this, but they could, like, wear suits. Yeah, I know women’s jackets/blazers usually have no/small pockets, but someone must make decent women’s business suits, no?
Well, maybe no, I guess.

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No doubt someone will be along in a moment with the classic Python sketch about being attacked by someone with a piece fruit. It’s ok, I’ve got all day. :wink:

I once owned a pair of gloriously baggy combats with side pockets that would each hold an entire carrier bag’s worth of shopping. I still miss them.


Maybe they do, but clearly not enough to expect most people to find things they like and can wear that also have decent pockets.

(Pockets sold separately)


You could just as easy get the same disappointment as an exchange student to Japan if you go in expecting Tokyo and end up out in the countryside instead.


I keep thinking, since jeans front pockets aren’t really integrated into the jean- rather they don’t use jeans material, they’re separate muslin pieces- why not just graft in larger pockets?

I bought a pair of Wrangler cargo shorts from there, unstitched the cargo pockets 'cause they’re too bulky, and stitched in a zippered pocket on the side for my phone. The shorts have held up for over a year.

It was a pain to unstitch the cargo pockets, or I’d make more. I haven’t found other shorts that were baggy/relaxed-fit enough that the usual amount of crap in my pockets wasn’t too bulky, but maybe I haven’t looked hard enough.

Edit to add:Adding the zippered pocket sorta like this, but I did it a more complicated and probably inferior way.


I tried a lot. The only ones who survived 11 months of field work were from Sweden. You know the brand.

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I wonder if there’s a conspiracy between women’s pant manufacturers and handbag makers.

I hope no one poses that as a possibility and thereby start an unstoppable rumor.



It’s definitely an option. You still run into the issue that women’s jeans pretty much all tend towards the more form-fitting end of the spectrum and having stuff pressed into your leg may not be that comfortable.


The vast majority of women’s suits have no pockets. They may have something that looks from the outside like a pocket on the jacket, but that is just for decoration.


Levis sells practical jeans just not in their own stores. Their stores are yet another flaming turd on the landscape of mall shops.


Maybe this makes up for kangaroos?



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That countryside looks wildly more cosmopolitan than most of, say Little Rock.

Not to mention that human habitation in rural areas of the US is unrelentingly hideous.