Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/26/daughter-5-asks-dad-for-pi.html
Very nice!
Just a note that the OP was the kid’s mom.
Grumpy old guy sour note: plastic fantastic, I hope all that stuff is fire resistant treated (and not the carcinogenic kind).
This qualifies as wonderful
How much were the pink pine trees on the wall? Vinyl that big is usually a little bit more than 5$.
They’re not vinyl-- the mom painted them with paint she got on sale because it had been returned.
The decor is honestly amazing and i would be happy to have this in my own room, the parent knocked it out of the park.
Good parents! Kid’s rooms should be their own world, not Pottery Barn’s.
Awesome but I need to get married in order to have a kid so I can spoil them - but everyone is telling me I’m too “beta”. Very frustrating. Would an “alpha” dad do this?
Hang out with different people, maybe? “Everyone” is a lot, and you probably haven’t gotten everyone’s opinion, and likely shouldn’t rely on it. Some of the people who’ve given you opinions might be assholes. You don’t need to be married to have a kid. You don’t need to have a kid of your own to be a big brother. You don’t need to be more “alpha” than your wife/partner. Some women like gentlemen who are gentle men, if that’s what you mean. There are people from my high school who likely thought I was too gentle and quiet, and that it was weird that I’d rather read and play D&D then play/watch sports. Fuck those people. I’ve had a daughter, and still try to spoil her. We are making rainbow slime and baking cookies this weekend. I don’t know if that’s alpha, beta, gamma or delta, and don’t much care. ETA: I’m not saying it’s not frustrating. Folks in every decade of life find the dating/cohabitating/parenting thing a palaver. Best of luck.
What @snigs said. In fact, anyone who uses “alpha” and “beta” to describe people probably aren’t people you want to take advice from.
I don’t think these labels mean anything unless one buys into toxic masculinity. Men can be sentimental, crafty/artistic, etc and still be a bad ass world-class dad.
You could always foster children, or adopt. Even a Big Brother program might work, if you want to spend fun time around kids.
I love this, apart from the roof-fabric, as I think it would horrible to keep clean/dust-free. I’m also flabbergasted by the mural…
Doing up a kid’s room to fit their fantasies brought me a lot of joy when my girls were little. It doesn’t have to be perfect- five year olds are easily impressed. They will love that you put in the effort, even if you spent rather little money. I wouldn’t fret about dust in the ceiling treatment, because the child will have a completely different wish in a couple of years, which is another reason not to spend too much.
DC has Cherry Trees? If only the local big wigs took the Samuri approach to responding to personal dishonour.
they were a gift from japan, if I remember correctly, too. Here ya go, they were given to the US in 1912 and we have a festival to celebrate it now: