Death-defying wooden cliff path gets scarier as it goes

Back in the 1980s (and before, presumably)… there were none of those cables, chains, harnesses…

Everybody shouting, all that talk, all those people. Would ruin the joy of being out in nature for me.

I’d go if I were in the country just because it’s a historic site. If I want to get away from people in nature, there are plenty of other places to go.

I’m kinda surprised that I could watch that whole video without anxiety. Walking across a bridge makes me queasy and even hopping to the top of a mountain in a video game has given me vertigo. But this video didn’t bother me that much. I guess because of the focus on the safety rope and chains.

The passing people though - that looked like it could get a little awkward. I wouldn’t want to try to pass someone having a panic attack, someone obnoxious, or even a large person in a situation like that.

Gets lively around 1:15…


The trail has been renovated. It looks pretty safe now.

Kind of a jerky video, though.

You don’t like being around people? What sort of social deviate are you?

Christ, what a kingdom. His Majesty needs to get himself a new road.

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