"Debate Me": parody of internet manliness gurus/dorks

If they were really meticulously handcrafting a public persona, I doubt it would be basement dwelling man child.

Also, sometimes there are people who need to be called out on their hypocrisy, and being called a bitter old man is a piss poor reason for not calling them out.


OBJECTION! Question was “how could a wizard find a way not to poop”. Weaponised pooping is still pooping.


That’s why they send them to war.[quote=“smulder, post:11, topic:94836”]
Cranky old people are not so cool.

I like Bernie.


No, they don’t. You think they haven’t heard it before? You think it’s going to change anything?

If not, then for whose benefit are you speaking? It’s a little like yelling at the clouds.

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The only other option is to enjoy President Trump.

President Trump. President… Trump.


I’m glad to know our Shining Beacon on a Hill is great because of that time I argued for like two hours with someone about whether a water bottle or a water bowl is better for a pet hedgehog.


Well, I don’t own nor will I ever own a hedgehog but now I need to know this.


Àll you have to do is abdominally insert a bag of holding. Done and done. Any other problems need to be solved today?


…Well!? Which is it??
I need to know!!


But, whatever you do, afterwards make sure to never swallow a portable hole.


Portable hole.
I never thought about it but that makes a great insult.

“Get yer robe and wizards hat outta here, ya portable hole!”


Yes, but, if it’s teleported straight from your bowel, then magically accelerated towards your enemies, then you haven’t technically pooped, have you?


You could use a shrink ray to dramatically reduce the size of the material in your intestines. But granted the overall mass wouldn’t change, so you’d get bogged down pretty quick.


Or maybe they enjoy pooping? Maybe the obligation of pooping hides the enjoyment of pooping? I don’t know! It could be!


That’s not what this is mocking. I don’t have to debate with any comer—regardless of how dishonest, disingenuous, or bad faith—in order for democracy to survive.

I don’t owe time and energy to people who are arguing in bad faith. Patiently debating everyone who is devils-advocating against my existence won’t preserve democracy. That “debate style” is what this SomethingAwful post (and the awesome comic @smulder shared ) are mocking.

What I owe democracy is to listen very seriously to people describing how policies affect or would affect them.

I owe it to my Jewish, Muslim, Sanātanī, Sikh, black, brown, disabled, ND, women, fellow LGBT siblings to listen when they tell me how America’s policies are affecting them. If we don’t listen, if we make decisions without the input of the people who are affected, then we don’t have democracy. On those terms, I’m not sure we’ve ever had democracy.

I’d like to believe democracy could survive the death of formal, western-style debate*. I have faith it can survive the death of disinterested, disingenuous hobby contradiction. (I’m not saying you’re doing the disinterested, disingenuous hobby contradiction, by the way. If you don’t see yourself in the comic smulder linked, this stuff may not apply to you at all.)

*As much shit as I’m giving formal, western-style debate, I don’t necessarily think the debate style itself needs to be destroyed. I just think it’s currently used as a crutch for euro-centrism and to silence people who haven’t had the privilege they would need to learn it.


That’s debatable.

(Please don’t hurt me!!)


Aw, you know I’d never hurt my favorite fish pun monger intentionally. :heart_eyes_cat: :tropical_fish:


Clearly a water bottle.

Jesus, you people.

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linked testicular-prostate cancer.