Watch The Try Guys try masculine vulnerability

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I thought somehow the Try Guys channel was still part of Buzzfeed, good to know they’re doing their own thing. I genuinely like these guys and think they have a good dynamic and are pretty engaging to watch. The only bits i get annoyed about is when they decide to rap in some videos :stuck_out_tongue: but that’s nothing skipping the video forward can’t fix


I’d not heard of these chaps before. I’ll check them out. Thanks for heads-up.

Um… shields up?

While we’re at it, we’ll probably want to call a waaaaaahmbulance for all the “bros” whose egos have been imperiled by the very suggestion that their outward masculinity could actually just be a fragile shell containing only a half-finished person on the inside.


So, Kinder Surprise.


“Awww, I got a man-child again”


Some assembly required.
Don’t swallow the parts, choking hazard.


Those are some amazingly green eyes on two of them.

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“He looks like he plays lacrosse.”


Not appropriate for households with young children.

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This has been kind of interesting. I noticed their content seemed better. There have been a couple of other people whose videos I started liking and then realized it was because they had moved on from Buzzfeed and used the notoriety they gained there to do their own thing. As annoying as Buzzfeed can be I guess it can make a good stepping stone for people to get a foothold in the entertainment business, if nothing else. Better that than the “I’ll do anything, no reeeeally anything…” mentality that most people gain popularity with.

I kind of wonder about the long term effects of this mentality on health in general. I’ve known a couple of guys who have started hormone therapy because their testosterone was a little “low.” Read: not super high. I’m not sure taking extra testosterone on top of what your body is producing mainly to assuage vague anxiety will turn out to be harmless. It certainly isn’t harmless for cis women to take high estrogen needlessly, something that came out of the use of high doses of estrogen as an “anti-aging” therapy for women who fear the oncoming changes of menopause.

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Well, most of the time taking steroids is ruinously bad for long rlterm health.

So much so that when doctors prescribe stuff like prednisone to men they elre evaluate the need weekly.

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I mean, have you seen the list of side effects of testosterone? I’m a cis male, and I sure as hell wouldn’t want to deal with most of that crap. (I’ve also long suspected I come in on the low end.)

and that phenomenon, of people taking hormones to treat “deficiencies” of the hormone that are well within the normal range, is one way in which treatments for people who do have quantifiable deficiencies can become harder to come by. my body produces testosterone that is 90% lower than the low end of the normal range for a male of my age. i take injectable testosterone once every 2 weeks which puts me into the lower end of normal. because i take this i have annual psa screenings along with annual prostate exams offset 6 months apart. the cause of my deficiency is currently unknown. the father-in-law of my closest friend takes injections every two weeks because he had a pituitary tumor which shut down the testosterone signaling function and caused him to produce close to 0 testosterone. people like us actually have a quantifiable need for hormone replacement. people suffering ill-effects of replacement therapy they don’t need will create obstacles for those of us who do have a need.


Buzzfeed tries to pretend that all they do is listicles and “which dog are you” type quizzes, but then occasionally they come out with an amazing piece of investigative journalism. I think they do it deliberately to stay under the radar, after all, if you’re up to something shady and you hear there’s a Guardian journalist sniffing around, you might try and be a bit more discrete, but who’s worried about Buzzfeed?

My favorite line from that, “rejuvenation fantasies thrive on hope without needing facts.”

It explains so much of homeopathy, “bro-science,” weight loss fads, all of it. People fear death so much they’re willing to suspend the hell out of disbelief to avoid having to worry about it as much. I’ve known a couple of inter-sexed people who were made surgically male at birth (that’s a whole big thing in itself, but it’s not really relevant for this story), but whose bodies produced virtually no testosterone or estrogen all the way up through their late teens. Both people had pretty similar experiences, very few secondary sexual features until they were prescribed hormones, at which point they underwent a ridiculous amount of puberty very fast.

None of the guys in this video look anything at all like the people that I know whose bodies were producing, at most, “about as much testosterone as a ten year old boy” did before hormone therapy. They just look like pretty normal guys, but then again I guess if you don’t look like goddamned Wolverine you’re weak or whatever nonsense is being peddled these days.