Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/21/horrifying-mass-washes-up-on-florida-beach.html
This is just viral marketing for the new B-Movie, “Deadly Dummies from the Deep!”, aka, “Mankini Manakin Massacre!”
I used to be the horrified onlooker in department stores, because a lot of those mannequins never had heads. Maybe marketers figure they block the view across the floor or would require hats.
When making What We Do In The Shadows, a scene was filmed, but not included in the movie, where the three main vampires hold a funeral for their flatmate who was killed by sunlight and dump him in the harbor. The prop body floated away and couldn’t be retrieved, so the filmmakers put out a press release alerting people that if a charred skeleton washed up on shore it was just a movie prop.
Then, two charred skeletons washed up on the beach.
That was worth a good minute of giggling for me. Thank you.
I actually laughed when I saw the picture because, oh my gods, that is pretty horrifying. Someone’s going to be inspired by that image to do a monster design for a horror movie…
Now I want to get some mannequins, weight them down with cinder blocks, dump them offshore, and wait for the rope tying them to the cinder block to decay.
I am a bad person.
To be followed by “Deadly Dummies from the Deep II: Maniac Mannequin Manglers” and
“Deadly Dummies from the Deep III: Manky Manatees - The Revenge of the Mannequins”
Hopefullly someone saved and placed it in their front yard during Halloween.
The original and remake of this Outer Limits episode comes to mind.
It was just bait left by whatever made that footprint in the foreground.
Billions of blue blistering barnacles!!
No need for the whole mannequin; all you need are the arms.
I presume they float; put enough weight on the shoulder end so that the forearm protrudes above the water.
Wait for a flood & for the inevitable newscrews to arrive, & conduct a broadcast with the swollen river in the background.
Drop the arms in the river upstream of said newscrews…
See? You’re not a bad person!
19 replies in and no Mannequin references.
I am disappoint:
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