Deep Thought of the Day

The future is not here yet because______________

The future is not here yet because I can’t buy a 3-D printed replica of a DEVO hat off Amazon.



If you see occult and secret messages everywhere, even in the most unlikely places, are those messages still secret and occult?

…you’re in an inferior time-zone?


…well, I set an alarm for the future and the damn thing hasn’t rung yet. What the hell?


An Original Thought From The Troll:

As a white cisgender male -if gamergate/feminism/racism isn’t about me then why am I a part of the problem?

EDIT: Sounds like an impossible standard to ever meet. How… odd.

It’s on it’s way. Real Soon Now.

Good to know!

Why do non-gun owners seem to care more about working to reduce the preventable deaths of gun-owners than gun-owners do?


One must always question why a government would refuse to educate the next generation on how to protect the fundamental rights conferred its citizens.

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People don’t ask a framer they just met to build them a shed for free. Why do people always ask me for free tech support?


I prefer the interpretation that an established priesthood has written or rewritten the story to demonize the Wisdom, but hasn’t written or rewritten the story well enough to exclude subversive headcanons.

The Marianas Trench. Trenchant, no?


IF the government really wanted affordable health care for its citizens they would make the practice of medicine and all of its paraphernalia illegal.

This would spawn a black market in medicine and service providers that would be widely available and affordable to any person with the means of a typical high school student.

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Fuck the law, grow it yourself. It’s pretty easy to do. I work as a support worker for someone with MS and he’s been growing it for years now. It’s fun.

If you’re making waffles, and you run out of the regular milk called for in your recipe, and you think that chocolate milk will be a super yummy substitute, THINK AGAIN. You’ll end up with an awful, gloopy mess, and NO WAFFLES.


But if you have regular noon-chocolate white milk and you add one tablespoon of lemon juice per cup of noon-chocolate white milk and let it stand for five minutes you’ll have nice buttermilk waffles.

As I did this morn, with chicken and gravy. Gravy could have had less salt.


Yeah, my recipe was going for the buttermilk thing, but my brain apparently wasn’t functioning well enough to understand that regular and chocolate milks^ have very different viscosities. Whoops.

^i use almond milk, but it’s the same with cow milk, if i remember correctly.

why limit yourself to mid-day? it’s always time for chocolate!


Cuts your sorry-correct!

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