Deep Thought of the Day

No, it’s not “easy”. I’ve read I don’t know HOW many grow guides, and NONE have made any sense. It might be “easy” for you, but it’s not for me.

Secondly, due to the severity of my autism, I have no choice but to live with my parents. They SUPPORT the MoDA, and fully believe every single BS reason for its existence. If they found me attempting to grow here, they’d have me arrested.

I expect a glib response to this, such as “Well move out then!” - don’t you think that, if I could, I’d have done so YEARS ago…?! I’m not gonna give my age away, but I did O LEVELS, FFS!

Yes, that’s how utterly, utterly, useless I am. Sorry if this comes across as terse, but my pain level today is off the fucking chart; pain + ASD = NHH getting banned from places. I’m already on the Grey List.

There’s not a single bit of me that doesn’t hurt right now - even my tongue aches.

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This site is pretty well moderated. Please assume that any post with a comment directed at you is meant to be helpful, funny, or an honest attempt at communication. It may not seem that way to you, which of course makes things hard to take sometimes, but you are not being attacked on this site, ever. It’s just confusion about communication styles, that’s all.


Don’t try frothing it either. It make a really bad cappuccino. Crappuccino, even.

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But it would be the perfect accompaniment to my crap waffles!

Jeez, what else can we ruin with chocolate milk…



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I smell a YouTube series!


I dunno, but I reckon yoghurt made from chocolate milk could be awesome.
So I’m going to try that. Give it a couple of days and I’ll let you know how it went.

Ah, I see. I’m sorry, I didn’t take anything like that into account, which I should have done.

That’s a real shame, and no, I’d never come back with a reply like ‘well, move out then’ cos that’d be an awful, heartless thing to say. My previous reply was clearly glib enough, though I really didn’t intend it to be.

If things ever change, and you have a private space to use, I’d be happy to give you any advice you need (pretty much ‘put autoflowerers in good quality soil, give 12 hours light a day and water them now & again’ will start you off. All the high tech flimflam is kind of like audiophile gear really). Let’s hope that we can force the idiots in parliament to see sense and ignore the pernicious bullshit in the tabloids and get it legalised at least medically.


There’s a lot of different ways to make yoghurt.

Unfortunately, I don’t possess the necessary upgrades for that. A request to my wife resulted in the sort of facial expression that made me fear for my safety and a trip to the local supermarket to enquire ended in an awkward conversation with the police.

But I did buy a selection of chocolate milk and ice-coffee, along with a pottle of live yoghurt with extra hippies in it for the starter culture. So it’s a go. I could be onto the Next Big Thing here.


Midlife is when you switch from caring about the dollars left in the bank to the days left on the calendar.


When you die you drop your shit and piss… something that thankfully is never included in cinema ghost depictions.

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Also never included in any game where a core mechanic is looting the corpses of those you kill.


My deep thought today was going over as many of the most pleasant memories I could think of, and realizing how none of them involved actually anything to do with having power or prestige of any kind. With the exception of the ‘power to goof off’, of course. All of them were times of recreation or rest.


Wrong breed.



“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”

– Deputy US Marshall Raylan Givens


Come to Atlanta and make it. Everyone is here now. I swear, every other day, someone is filming around campus… And I’ll make a terrible, terrible extra… I promise! :slight_smile:

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Capitalism… what is it? Specifically, what defines neoliberalism that has come to dominate the global economy?

It’s the Golden Rule: Them that’s got the gold, makes the rules.