Defiant rancher in Nevada beloved by militia groups is a horrible racist, surprising approximately nobody

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I oppose this administration. His dispute has nothing to do with The White House. Get your head out…

How many more years do they have to plead with him to stop doing something illegal that he has no right to do before it’s ok for them to physically stop him? 20 more years?

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I’ll try to explain it to you. Since what he’s doing illegally is a civil violation, not a criminal violation, and since the penalty is financial, not prison, they should do what is normally done when a financial penalty is due: they put a lien on his property, or seize his bank accounts, or if all else fails they take it from his estate when he dies—just as they do when someone refuses to pay their taxes. They don’t send in armed troops—unless we’ve become a police state.

Here’s what he says on his own blog, which backs up your comments:

What I am saying is that all we Americans are trading one form of slavery for another. All of us are in some measure slaves of the federal government. Through their oppressive tactics of telling the ranchers how many cows they can have on their land, and making that number too low to support a ranch, the BLM has driven every rancher in Clark County off the land, except me. The IRS keeps the people of America in fear, and makes us all work about a third or a half of the year before we have earned enough to pay their taxes. This is nothing but slavery from January through May. The NSA spies on us and collects our private phone calls and emails. And the government dole which many people in America are on, and have been for much of their lives, is dehumanizing and degrading. It takes away incentive to work and self respect. Eventually a person on the dole becomes a ward of the government, because his only source of income is a dole from the government. Once the government has you in that position, you are its slave.

So, taxation and regulation = slavery. Ok…

He then compares himself to Rosa Parks and the minutemen in the second paragraph before calling all Americans to join in his ‘peaceful revolution’. He also states that he’s trying to keep MLK’s dream alive.

I still don’t think staggering false equivalencies are the same thing as racism, but those are some interesting opinions he’s got there!

If you know something I dont then fine. Im just saying that that tape looks old.

Simply the fact that it was reported on and characterized as some racists ready to wage war on the government is sufficient for me.

Where is the scathing article on Bundys security guard… you know… the black guy that says Bundy is NOT a racist and he would take a bullet for him? I will bet you an ice cold, 12 ounce beverage of your choice( domestic ) that this is the first you have heard of this guy.

EDIT: I want to add that omission is bias as well.

Hi, me again. I did some googling for ya!

Propagandist for the black militant Black Panther Party. Please note that the headline does NOT read "Studio visits with racist Black Panther designer… ":

OOH! Black Panther Hot Sauce “Burn Baby Burn!”. Totally not racist:

Its fun to hack your political opponents websites!!

I tire of this activity. Please tell me that I at least have a point.

The cameraman has difficulty operating his phone. Perhaps the crappy resolution is also a function of limited bandwidth.

Yep, they nearly distracted me from the million dollars in grazing fees he owes.

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I don’t actually see your point. You were refuting : “when any of the editors/bloggers have defended anyone being violent or brandishing a gun to make a political point” with that? Honest question.


I think I’ll just file him along with this guy:

Replying to a question about whether his five children had asked him to sell his media empire and leave Italy to escape his legal troubles, Berlusconi said: “My children say that they feel like Jewish families in Germany under Hitler’s regime. Truly, everyone is against us.”

The Black Panthers weren’t racist.

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They are trying to claim that the racist New Black Panther Party are a legitimate continuation of the Black Panthers.

Update: This is what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about them.

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  1. I have heard of the black body guard, so you owe me a drink. Like I said, I have no idea if Bundy is really racist or not, his words sure sound racist, and the bodyguard is expressing an opinion which may or may not be tempered by his own anti-government bias; the fact that Bundy has one black friend isn’t very convincing.

  2. this is the same logic as “muslims = terrorist”, you are assuming that anything to do with the Black Panthers is de facto evil and violent and racist, and you are assuming that because BB posts something about them that they support them. The hot sauce was probably posted here because there is a certain absurd humor to it, and BB posts articles about hacking all the time, doesn’t mean they support it, it’s news.

  3. Is this the best you can do? I mean. . . conservatives had been calling Bundy a hero and patriot before the racial comments came out, surely you can find something in the BB archives where they are calling 4chan or bin Laden or the Black Panthers “saints.”


Either way, it was out-of-fashion in the 2000s (a decade ago) as well as the 1990s (2 decades ago).

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Man . . . don’t get me started on the horrors of the Black Panther’s “Free Breakfast For Children” program!


Don’t make up ridiculous excuses for bad behavior (“maybe he made those comments decades ago!”) if you’re not even willing to take 30 seconds to learn the context of what you’re trying to excuse.

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This is loopy for a whole bunch of reasons, but not least because one of Parks’ and MLK’s signature achievements was the Civil Rights Act. You know, the landmark legislation which was fought tooth and nail by “states’ rights” activists who didn’t want the big bad Federal government telling them what to do.


any way you cut it, the “jews-persecuted-hitler” portion of the tag above is unintentionally hilarious.

I honestly clicked on it thinking I was gonna see some kind of insanely over-the-top Holocaust Revisionism. OMG THE JEWS ACTUALLY PERSECUTED HITLER!!!
