Defiant rancher in Nevada beloved by militia groups is a horrible racist, surprising approximately nobody

Ohhh . . . BB did a story on a Klansman today, and they didn’t put “Racist KKK” in the title, I guess that means they’re giving the Klan a pass!

Look, if your point is “boing boing has a liberal bias” well. . . duh! Liberals have a liberal bias, but then it increasingly looks like reality has a liberal bias, so you’ve got your work cut out. That said, it’s certainly admirable to point out bias wherever you see it, and I praise you for all the hours you must spend online at freerepublic, redstate and foxnews taking them to task for their obvious and overwhelming bias.

I keep thinking about this comparison between welfare and slavery, and if you want to say Bundy is not racist, fine, but that means he is just really ignorant and self-serving-- the guy is so set on illustrating the evils of the federal government that he is willing to whitewash history and twist common sense to try and prove a point.

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To which I reply: When did Bundy brandish a weapon?


  1. Well I will take your word for it. Come over, I got yer beer chilling.
    One black friend is not sufficient to dispel rumors of racism… good job moving the goal posts. How many does it take?

  2. This is the same logic as “muslims = terrorist”, you are assuming that anything to do with the KKK is de facto evil and violent and racist…

  3. I admit I didnt try very hard. Its clear from the examples I posted that certain types of n’er-do-wells get treated with kid gloves. No mention of ‘hate’ or ‘racism’. Im reminded of the interview that Barbra Walters did with that teacher that got knocked up by a student. English antiques, soft focus… a nice comfortable interview for a child rapist. However if the genders were reversed I doubt that the interview would have been so genteel. Its analogous.

Na, its not like that, Look at the video, it looks like old, low resolution or even a transfer from VHS.

Does Bill Maher know you are ripping off his lines?

Huh, I wonder how I knew that was a Bill Maher line? One could almost suspect me of watching Real Time.

Well, I dont know the guy, or what is in his heart. But my point is neither do you or the boingboing nation for that matter.

What gets me is the assertion that the events in Nevada are classified here are somehow racist. That the heavily armed, white-racist militia was rallying around some criminal mastermind rancher who does not want to pay a fee to the FEDGOV because Obama is black.

How did we get from a land and cattle dispute to this?

See ya on the KKK Killer post!!

In interviews Bundy has said he has weapons and “will do whatever it takes”, and his wife has backed this up with “I’ve got a shotgun. . . It’s loaded and I know how to use it. We’re ready to do what we have to do”-- sure sounds like a threat to me. It’s not like they’re talking about shooting poachers or hobos or squatters, they’re talking about cops.

You know, the militia can’t stand by Bundy indefinitely. Eventually they will have to go back to their lives, some in other states (or is he going to start paying them to stay around and protect his cattle? Is that cheaper than paying BLM fees?)

And what precedent does this set, if someone can lose a court case, and instead of dealing with the judgement just hire a private army to keep the police from enforcing the law?


I ripped it off from the same place Maher did. . . Jon Stewart.

Well then, Bundy shouldn’t have opened his mouth about “the negroes” then, huh? Because this didn’t become about race until he made it about race. I don’t know what’s in his heart, only what he says aloud, so that’s all I have to go by. Surely you can understand why people think he’s racist? You can’t publicly ponder if slavery was somehow a good thing and come away looking like a nice guy.

You know, to rip off a line from someone else, the GOP may not be racist, but they sure do seem to attract a lot of racists.


The FEDGOV goons had already been harassing people in the area. Pointing guns( thats… bad right ? ) tasering bicycle riders as well as stealing and killing his livestock*. Of course the guy was upset -his family had homesteaded on that land since the 1870s.

* why kill the cattle when they could have been seized and auctioned with the proceeds going toward recouping the fees in arrears?

Clue: Its not about the grazing fees.

And ranchers have been harassing the BLM and Forest Service for decades, including pipe bombs going off at Forest Service offices on three separate occasions in the 90’s.

Grow up, this isn’t the wide open plains of 100 years ago where everything is up for grabs.

And his ancestral rights are bogus: from KLA-TV

“What they discovered is that the Bundy family purchased the land on which Cliven Bundy’s ranch is located in 1948, from Raoul and Ruth Levin. The record also shows that prior to 1948, the Bundy family resided in the state of Arizona.”


Since the 90s? When were Bundy or any of his family or associates charged in these attacks? Think it was that black bodyguard?

BTW, I PMed Ms. Xeni that link about the bodyguard. Thought it would make another great op-ed. Thus far I have not received a response. Think I should keep holding my breath?

I see that you have not been to Nevada, at least outside of Vegas, that is. Looks pretty wide and open to me.

Also, I think this is an interesting point; Why does the FEDGOV own all that land out west in the first place? Do they pay Nevada property taxes? Will the Chinese energy company pay taxes on that solar farm that they paid pennies on the dollar for?

Freeloaders, indeed.

He certainly could have used a better turn of words to make his point. I dont think anything he said was meant to offend. As a matter of fact I would submit that his statements demonstrate true concern for the welfare of Blacks. Being entrapped in a web of well-intentioned entitlements is simply another form of slavery, albeit without the brutality.

Now, that sounds like Maher again. I like Maher despite him being an idiot, he is a funny fella.

But really, to get off our tangent and back on target. How did a cattle/land dispute turn into a racial issue? Why did the BB editors/staff wish to characterize this event in racial terms when there was not a racial component to the dispute.

Because it was mostly white people confronting the government?

so you’re here to answer honest questions with apparently disingenuous questions?

any unresolved anger in your life?

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its true though, Bundy is a known liar. what he says is in no way indicative of his true beliefs or likely actions.

Why, He once said he would pay to graze his cattle

turns out just another freeloader

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If you are going to repeatedly claim the Black Panthers were racist then you had better show evidence for this.

Anything about the New Black Panthers will not count as the original Black Panther leadership has already rejected them as racist.

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The inboxes of BB editors are not like yours or mine…unless you get thousands of “for your consideration” emails per day.

But, your message is special, right?

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The REAL government of Nevada owns some of the land too.

Freeloaders, indeed.


I realize this was part of a larger back and forth, but seriously, this is not a good analogy. There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. The idea that they are all terrorists is way outside of reality.

The KKK, by contrast, has a few thousand members, and it’s decline in membership has been largely because it is an organization founded on racist principles that have fallen out of favour. Also, it has an association with violent acts, meaning that people who condemn violence don’t want to join it. While I would guess there are members who are not violent, and I’m sure the organization conducts activities that are not violent, the associatio between the KKK and violent racism is several orders of magnitude more reasonable than that between Muslims and terrorists.


Is your Google as broken as the educational system that formed you?

[not you choglitz, that other guy, the one I quoted you as quoting]

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