Demodex mites living on your face proven to have anuses

Thanks, fun video. I wonder if he’ll do an update given the new anal info.

“Let’s tear them a new one!”

You should not post your ablution on YT, though :wink:

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This is one of those things that ivermectin has an actual valid medical use for.

Oh, I have come to acceptance that I am not an individual but the host to millions. Many of those hitching a ride on this meatbag are beneficial symbionts, some are parasites, but were none there existence would be painful. Trying to get rid of the beasties does seem to require measures that would harm the meatbag as well, so as long as they cause no ill effects I will live and let live.

Just adding dermal flora to the gut flora and other flora that inhabit the same body as this consciousness does. But my passengers and I fully understand your concern.

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