Originally published at: DeSantis complains he defined"wokeness" but that no one knows what he means | Boing Boing
I’m glad this sadistic fascist’s Presidential campaign is bombing. Unfortunately, it likely means he’ll spend his last years as Florida governor taking out his frustrations on the state’s most vulnerable people.
Durning was a true triple threat: actor, singer, and light-on-his-feet hoofer. And the song is so true. I remember a relative describing having to sit through a speech at an event by Jeb Bush’s Lt. Governor, saying the guy spoke for half an hour without actually saying anything.
When I was in college, I attended a speech by Texas Governor Bill Clements. I was not impressed. But the fun was that, speaking to people after the speech, not a one said they enjoyed it - or could even recall what he had said - but a half dozen noted that, somehow, he reminded them of a duck.
“Is Woke in the room with us right now?”
People will tolerate a lot—until you hit them in the wallet. Thanks to DeSantis, the insurance market in Florida is collapsing like a dying star. Even Kansas, of “What’s the Matter With?” fame, dumped Republican leadership after years of their supply-side economics experiment ravished the state’s economy.
Does he even remember how he’s defined “woke?” Last December his general counsel had to define it for a judge and said it means, “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Now I’m curious how he reconciles that with the poll being addressed and…so many other things.
Keeping it honest, here.
DeSantis complains he defined “wokeness” but that no one knows what he means
DeSantis “defined” wokeness the same way his ancestral countryman “discovered” America. In both cases, another group already had it sorted, and did not need outside “help.”
Oh, there’s a reason why the Florida insurance industry is collapsing. Can you guess what it is?
So weird, because that’s not at all how he uses it. So it seems like he doesn’t know what it (he) means either. Or maayyybe he’s just being incredibly disingenuous, like all the others who don’t define it…
I knew it was wokeness! Even when it was the state governor and legislature passing this law, I knew it was wokeness!
Uncle Roger is not buying Ron’s BS.
Is that a battery powered mug? Does it talk if you press the speaker icon?
“Woke” means woke to other peoples suffering. I first heard it in US Marshals when rich doctor Harrison Ford is hiding out under the underpass w/ homeless people in Chicago. Ford says to the black homeless guy helping him " I never even knew this place existed". The guy looks back at him and says "“Oh, so now you woke”
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