Judge flushes Florida's ban on "woke" workplace activities

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/30/judge-flushes-floridas-ban-on-woke-workplace-activities.html


CNN reports that Florida made no effort to defend the law in court. It was all just a song and dance to make right-wingers know who DeSantis is and what he’s about

They’re born suckers. No wonder a cartoonishly obvious life-long confidence man now leads the GOP.


bigot get bun-266


Is woke now what they call those assholes who retire to the Villages?


DeSantis has championed the “Stop WOKE Act” as standing up against what he called “indoctrination.”

And yet when it comes to indoctrination in Christian beliefs, I have a feeling he’d have no qualms about mandating CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) like I had to participate in when I was a kid.

Ironic, because I’m pretty sure if Jesus returned and started preaching His beliefs today, DeSantis would call Him “woke” for calling for people to “love thy neighbor”, for feeding the multitudes, or for healing the sick. To paraphrase the movie Sneakers, “We are the Republican party! We don’t do that sort of thing.”


It’s all performative - make up a fake “threat” to America, come up with performative “solutions” that you’re seen enacting (but don’t actually care about).

I was reading someone claiming that Trump’s populism (which has spread, to some degree, to other MAGA candidates) wasn’t just empty performance, that the populist positions worked to alienate the big-money backers of the party, and that if Trump (et al) dropped them, it wouldn’t hurt their support. Which may be true, but the total lack of coherent policy to advance those populist positions signals to the money that they’re not serious, and Trump doesn’t base his positions on some highly optimized strategy based on evidence, but his own feelings (which are sometimes delusional) and the immediate feedback from his rallies. Everything he does, outside of feeding his narcissism, is totally performative with no policy positions he actually believes in.

Is it a Trump nickname (as opposed to “Sleepy Joe”)?

I mean…


Oh, that’s beautiful! I could watch klansmen being set on fire all day! The only thing that would improve it is if he managed to set the other three on fire too.


I just watched it run thru several times, to see what the other fuckwits did while fuckwit number one set his dumb ass on fire. The two on the ahem right just stand there, and one even looks to the other, as if about to say, “Helluva game last night.” The one on the ahem left looks like it’s taking off.

Sounds about ahem right.


it isn’t.

there were decades of abortion restriction bills that had no chance, until suddenly the supreme court decided forcing women to have children is perfectly legal.

conservatives in florida or elsewhere will soon pass some new “anti woke” laws, and some new ones, and some new ones… until something finally sticks

they’re trying to 1) shift the “overton window”, 2) waste the time, energy, and money required by the left to fight these laws, 3) often getting what they want during the time it takes these suits to be resolved, and 4) waiting, waiting, waiting

these efforts cost them little, but win them a lot.


They “woke” up from closet racist vampire to bloviate racist daywalker.


Interestingly, the Villages may actually have gone woke.


It only takes a case to get up to the Supreme Court, who can then make a totally biased decision rooted in some twisted interpretation of originalist doctrine, and Ban Woke acts will be all over like a rash


Anyone who might help is probably thinking “Hey wait, I’m wearing a sheet too!” :smiley:


“I told Buddy to stay away from the polyester sheets, but they’re 5 dollars cheaper, he said…”


Has Desantis done anything relevant to, you know, actually governing the state? Seems like all he does is this Trump-Musk woke-bashing bullshit.


No Way Argument GIF by ABC Network


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