DeSantis signs law banning kids from social media in Florida

I’m sure the reasoning is terrible because it’s DeSantis, but we really should have some federal legislation that implements privacy and data protections and a requisite “age of consent” for data processing (the GDPR has this in place in theory for the EU, but there’s not a reliable method of enforcement as far as I know).

Facebook’s own research has shown Instagram to be harmful for mental health, and relatively nothing has been done about this.

Algorithmic radicalization has been a known problem for a while and we’re still dealing with congresspeople who barely understand what the internet is.

It doesn’t take long to find a youtuber or other social media personality that young teenagers have popularized that has a sizable incel/racist/homophobic following, which only grows worse as algorithmic recommendations get better at “engagement”.

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Given that the representative from TN was recently caught posting Russian propaganda, I’d say that “OH NO! The algorithmic radicalization is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!”


Unlikely. It would mean they’d have to get news from more reliable sources which would really impact their ability to have Nana send you completely made up stories she fact checked on

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Dammit, I thought that was a real site and tried to visit it.

Someone should make one.


Luckily no one under the age of 18 knows how to use a vpn.


Well, there’s evidence that social media is bad for young people (which the Republicans like to point at, because they don’t like social media having terms of use that stops them from openly being Nazis), and this provides a good excuse for tying social media accounts to real identities, which opens up a whole can of worms. (Excellent surveillance, and makes it really easy if you want to punish people for sexual activity, being gay, being involved in non-permitted political activity, etc. Which I wish was some wild-eyed conspiracy theorizing, but that’s where the Republican party is these days, especially those looking ahead to a second Trump term.)


And then set up a free VPN?
I say “free”; but of course it will be funded by advertising and datascraping; but free to the end users… at least in the short term.

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Schitts Creek Good Luck GIF by CBC


I would but I wouldn’t be able to afford the bandwidth from people linking to it, showing how it proves Elvis was George Washington reincarnated and he and JFK are currently guerilla fighters on the Mexico border along with Elon and Alex Jones.

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That’ll work about as well as porn sites blocking anybody under 18.




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