Design suggestion box

The cognitive neuroscience types tell me my brain is physically optimized for detecting angles in preference to curves, but that I find curves more reassuring and pleasurable. This implies that @miasm is right and circular avatars pessimize recognition in order to optimize aesthetics. Persons with certain forms of agnosia will display atypical responses, of course, and frankly I haven’t done the experiments (got no fMRI access any more!) so it’s all hearsay to me.

But assuming that the above is true, that might explain my own mild preference for square avatars. I find that the form of function is almost always aesthetically pleasing to me, even when it means things have pointy bits, and the function of avatars is recognition.


One of the tricks magicians employ to hide a move in a hand whilst doing close up magic is to move that hand through a curve. It’s more difficult for the eye to quickly adjust and track something through multiple dimensions. You can ‘hide’ the move (palming or whatever) under the veil of neurological lag.

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Interesting; I didn’t know that!

But if there’s one thing that does NOT inform UX/UI design, it’s neuroscience. Just look at the trends in Linux and Mac desktops.

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img.avatar {
    border-radius: 50%;

I’ve been reading up on CSS3 and once this controversy over discourse putting round frames around avatars dies down, I am going to make avatars a nearly completely annoying star shape just to mess with y’all


Instructions for changing in FireFox here.

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I’m of the opinion that to really freak people out you just give everyone the same avatar.


How could we all have the same avatar?

Wouldn’t that end up like Twitch Plays Pokemon?

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That’s the entirety of my design suggestion. At least for the BBS. Back and forward are basically broken in the dynamically loading mobile site. I’d rather manually refresh than have it be dynamic. A link to BoingBoing home from the BBS would be real nice… don’t know why you got rid of it.

Other than that… let me think on it.

We’ll think of something clever.


works for me … going in my stylish

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@codinghorror yeah, this is totally helping distinguish between avatars


and you’ve all decided on appropriating @chgoliz 's avatar? what the hell’s going on?

EDIT: @funruly fuckin ninja’d!


I thought of another argument in favor of square avatars — anyone who wants a circular (or rounded or star-shaped) one can still have it by putting a round graphic on a blank square background.

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That’s ChickieD, not chgoliz.


pretty sure @ChickieD uses a chickadee as her avatar. they’re not blue.

EDIT: followed your link:


Don’t be a rectangle?

That’s the joke inside the joke.

You must go deeper.