Despite the hype, the CBD molecule is actually pretty amazeballs

Originally published at:


THC also has medicinal benefits. People who think they’re taking high CBD products but are actually only getting THC, are still getting any health benefits of the THC that are relevant to their condition.


The article is quite comprehensive, and I suggest anybody with interest give it a read. The legal side of this is preposterous, but at least there is hope for change these days.


With more than 65 cellular targets, CBD may provide a kind of full-body massage at the molecular level.

Guess what else has more than 65 cellular targets? Glucose, insulin, cholesterol, glycine, and more! Also curcumin, metformin, antioxidant flavinoids, and a whole bunch of other stuff. What a useless and flaccid metaphor. Ugh.


There’s a molecule for that!


Roger That!


This is one of the funnier lines in a serious article I have read recently. And I am very much looking forward to actual testing and reliable info on this compound, although I suspect it will of necessity come from outside the US for some time. I don’t see Trump (esp if he listens to Pence at all) allowing research on this front.


For me it really helps deal with chronic pain caused by inflammation. Small dosage of CBD oil allows getting some sleep on what would be otherwise a restless night.
It’s interesting that people report that it has also anxiolytic effect, but for me it doesn’t work that way. St. John’s Wort is way more efficient in that department.


May 31, 2019 the FDA is holding a public hearing on CBD and other Cannabis-Derived Compounds.

Let your voice be heard, submit your comments:

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Few, but one not to be belittled.


So here’s what I’ve learned from, you know, reading the Times regularly:
On the really important stuff, it’s a safe bet they’ve dropped the ball one way or the other. The reportage is mediocre at best, usually worse.
On less important matters, they’re pretty much no better than a BuzzFeed for the 10%.
So, you know, mediocre reportage on CBD – basically a clickbait article to seem trendy and with it – is not surprising in the least and, given all that, not really of any importance.

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