"Devastated morale" at Meta after layoffs and Zuckerberg's "bad bets"

But…but…you can host a meeting to go over an excel file and PowerPoint presentation! What more could you possibly want?!


I’m so drunk I can’t feel my legs!


Meh. That’s not the reason my Oculus is gathering dust. Certainly it doesn’t help, but I got it before Facebook forced the integration, and the reality is that there just isn’t a lot of great content.

Five later, the best thing to do on Oculus in 2023 is… still Beat Saber (released 2018).

(I say this while currently playing Half-Life: Alyx on a friend’s loaner Valve Index. But they loaned it to me specifically because after that they had no compelling reason to use the headset)

VR is still missing its Killer App.


And more related to the topic at hand: it’s impressive how crap the Facebook News Feed is nowadays. About 80% of it is “suggested content” :face_vomiting:.

It’s like a ghost town of my friends that the promoter is frantically trying to fill with billboards to make it look more alive.


The point of the metaverse is to have a new place to show ads.

For all the talk about the metaverse enabling school kids to “experience” the Cretaceous or the Forum Romanum, one thing is for sure – there will probably be giant billboards between the brachiosaurs, and messages from the sponsors on the walls of the temples.


So many layers of bull.

Why should Meta care what “the market” wants? Wasn’t Facebook already successful before they went public, and the main reason for going public was a mega payoff for all the vested people, especially Zuck? It’s not like they’ve needed investment since then.

Meta’s bottom-line would be fabulous if they didn’t do massive stock buy-backs ($28 billion in 2022), or sink billions into failed sizzle projects (once again for the market).

Top management is hypnotized by Meta, the stock, rather than Facebook, the business. That’s their problem right there.


Exactly. His co-ed creeper app at Harvard was blind luck. He had no grand vision about social media being the next revolution. He just happened to be at the front of the line when it happened.

Meta is proof that when you really do unleash the creative vision of these billionaires with no constraints…. We get legless Second Life for 36 billion dollars.

Wealth is not merit.


He sure loves to pretend like he did… and it doesn’t help that he’s probably surrounded by sycophants that reinforce that shit all the time… just to bask in the glow of his wealth and power…

Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy


Yup. While the press has been losing its collective mind over VR (which is obviously dumb to everyone else), AR has been quietly creating an actual revolution.

Already you can test drive furniture in your house with your phone. Measure spaces and try out paint colours. Get repair guides for cars that highlight components. All kinds of stuff. AR is kicking ass and solving real problems while VR is making nerds vomit in their bedrooms.


I always assumed that the lack of legs was related to Facebook’s well-documented policy of erotophobia: no one can spread their legs if they don’t have any!

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in the highschool yearbook category of most likely to become a metaverse i present fortnite, because it’s been built exactly that way. first, a successful - decent looking - game world. then iteration.

all anybody had to do was look what it takes to build something like that or an open world mmo, and then compare the staff and capabilities of facebook. it’s a complete mismatch

i think the main reason why epic isn’t further along is that vr still ( and maybe always ) makes too many people ill.

but i don’t know. maybe they can do cross promotions with dramamine


My only “yeah, but…” is Demeo. My friends and I have been playing it for several years now, and it keeps getting better and better. It’s probably the closest thing I’ve seen to a killer app for VR.

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I would really like to try VR to see if it would even work on me. I have some type of congenital nystagmus, except mine has no slow phase rhythm, only a steady rapid back and forth movement. Binoculars are difficult to use because there is not enough picture or field overlap to allow my brain to compensate for the eye movement. My vision doesn’t shake normally. If I relax and don’t focus on anything in particular I will “see” the uncompensated movement. Weird things can happen in my peripheral vision, or if something occurs that is too fast to compensate with. A good example of this is a flashing light on a vehicle, like a school bus. If I’m on the interstate and it’s a half mile down the road I see the bus driving along with all the other traffic. However, the light doesn’t necessarily appear on top of the bus. One blink may be on the bus, the next 10’ off in space, then 3’, then on the bus again. Also I can see flickering up past 120hz…cheap LED Christmas lights give me vertigo and nausea.

That’s all to say, I’d love to try a VR headset. Back in the day the PC game Descent had warning for vertigo and dizziness due to its 360 degree nature. That never bothered me. I’d love to experience a game like that through a headset. But without trying one first I’m never going to shell out money, the odds are just to high my eyes would just go nope to that.



No, wait, that was 30 years ago.


Someone at work a few months ago: “Well, how did the Metaverse work in Snow Crash?”
Me: “It was fictional.”



Like a virtual Whatsapp, I guess.
Except you can’t see real expressions on people’s faces.

At this point I’m not even sure it qualifies as a ‘solution’ looking for a problem.

Hiro Protagonist got to have feet in the metaverse.


you might be able to find a display at a best buy type place, or call around and see if one will let you try one out. ( or if you’re in certain tech friendly cities, there might be a console arcade bar where you could rent some time. )

your vision sounds kind of wild. did you realize early on you processed things differently than other people?

for me, i think my eyes have their refresh rate set too high. i get lots of flicker with certain types of lights and certain types of displays. but that said, ive tried oculus and psvr, and the experience is surprisingly good… depending on the game, it can really feel like there’s a sense of an other space you’re physically in

for short bits of time anyway. i get sick pretty quick if there’s too much head turning.


I haven’t used VR. I am sure I would like it to a degree for some games. I have that XWing game that I know has a VR capability, and that would be pretty awesome. Man, I really need to finish up my Star Wars games!