Dude…he’s 90. Denny’s is like starbucks to 90 year olds
Wow, we’re on Boing Boing! I’ve been reading this site forever but never thought I’d see myself on it.
We’ve been singing together for over sixteen years, and do most of our rehearsing around the dining room table at Dick’s house, so this little performance was about as natural as anything for us to do.
And as a matter of fact, I first met Dick in a Starbucks, which led to the formation of The Vantastix back in 2000.
Surely not that bad.
When I’m 90, I hope I’m cool enough to have my own a cappella entourage.
Starbucks is like Starbucks to a 90 year old!
Someone please tell me this wasn’t sponsored or otherwise AstroTurfed by Denny’s.
That’s the world I want to live in. The one where this can really happen spontaneously.
In my day Denny’s was Starbucks. But with free refills on coffee and less variety in the milkshakes. Also they were called “milkshakes” and not aardvarkaccinos or whatever you kids do today.
Now get off my lawn!
Personally, I have never accepted the word “barista” into my lexicon.
Good idea. They’re more expensive than standard lawyers.
He’s great. His interview on WTF?!? #370 is just great.
Downlaod the app.
Boomer lives!!
Getting back to the suject of Dick Van Dyke, I would like to take a moment to promote this overlooked satyrical gem from Norman Lear:
And Normal Lear recently turned 94.
Tell Mr. Van Dyke . . . thank you.
My brothers went to high school with Lester Bangs. Small world.
Dark and disturbing? That film with the song about toot sweets? What are you-
Oh, right
I think you are confusing “US News and World Report”, which used to be a weekly magazine competing with Time (and which now exists as a zombie website after the magazine stopped being printed), with USA Today (the “McPaper”).
I was born in 1965 and probably saw the movie when it was released. It was the most frightening thing I had ever seen and I was terrified of it for the next decade.
I saw both 2001 and Dr Strangelove around the same time. The only camparable fright I got as a youngster was Bowman dismantling Hal.
Fixed incomes are no joke!
That’s very wise - that can’t enter unless you invite them in freely, and of your own will.
I just started watching Almost Famous after finishing off Documentary Now.
I wanna go read Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung again. I really should – that book had far too much influence on my writing than it should have, and I’d forgotten about it until recently.
I do believe you’re correct. Thanks!