I don’t want to be obvious, but 1984 was to be fiction!
I also wondered if that was what he was getting at, but as you say, he’s contradicting himself… of course that’s pretty standard Trump, so I should have known.
Hold on - wasn’t ‘Jina’ the enemy in Trumpland?
I don’t get it. They crow about “freedom” while their leader talks about “ruling with an iron fist” like it’s a good thing. After all of all this everything the last few years, it’s still astonishing.
So pretty much Reagan and Thatcher then?
Those of an authoritarian mindset have a pre-disposition to see everything as an existential us* vs them conflict. And a belief that in that conflict, any kind of nice-ness, really anything less than full on genocidal assholiness is a weakness that will cause us to lose. There is a belief that fighting this fight is ennobling, and that is part of the reason that they are so big on military cosplay. That is also why US conservatives tend to double down on embracing the “symbols” of “us-dom” like the flag, a performative kind of Christianity etc. rather than the constitution or being Christ-like.
*And the worse that they think things are, the more narrowly they define “us.”
Remember when Trump wanted a military parade with tanks?
has donald trump watched any of the wolf warrior movies? He sounds like an idiot who might find them relevant to something.
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