Did you ever want to play questions?

Does post #3200 have a pretty-much-superfluous question mark?


Okay, should I morter or just dry fit it and fill with sand?

Can I get a “Why not both” here?

Can I point out that my big plans for the weekend include putting the xmas decorations away?


Why, with Christmas just 251 days away?


And isn’t that what I told her? But would she listen?!?

Better (ridiculously) late than never?

Won’t sand turn to glass with enough application of heat?


Will it invalidate my nonexistent contractor’s license to suggest that I’d just do it with sand, since it doesn’t seem to be a structurally-critical thing?

How bout I pound in some rebar, for good measure?

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…let’s try and find out?

Hmm, hottest fire I ever made was 703c, do you think I can hit 1750c?

Do you have enough oxygen?

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Do I need to build a venturi as well?

Do you have a source of jewelers rouge and aluminum powder? Am I going to be on a terrorist watch list now?

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How would that help heat it up?

Reading up on it, you should be fine, wait, do you plan on hitting 2000C?

Dry fit it, anyone else see any issue with that? Is there going to be something on top?

When you wear an evil dead shirt, and look so happy, how can I say no?

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When will they bring back spaceghost?