Did you ever want to play questions?

Well if I have to listen to them I’m sitting close to you, will that make things end quickly for me?

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(I sincerely apologize inflicting magma on you. It is indeed the WMD of music, but like smallpox, the plague, Ebola, and other terrifying afflictions I do think samples should be kept in controlled areas.

I played fast and loose with this great responsibility, and I would be grateful if I can slowly earn your respect back.)

Can I be a political speechwriter nowz?

Why should any of us be tortured by bad music any longer than the least amount of time any one of us can handle?

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Do I win anything for making it to 3 minutes? Does it get better? Worse?

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How weird is the world?

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Worse? WORSE!? How the hell could it get… Oh gawd did it just get worse!?


Oh please, while kinda raw as it is a live show it is interesting. They appear to be influential to other musicians anyway. As for bad… Henrietta and Myrna own that don’t you think?

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Why did Eugene Hutz from Gogol Bordello time travel to play drums for these guys?

ETA - Also, why not a Nurse with Wound cover band?


Oh, did I imply they were incoherent musicians? (No, honestly almost all of them are amazing, especially the main drummer. His jazz standards are great).

But do their compositions make me think they have never had a beer, smoke a joint, or do LSD; and they take themselves waaay too seriously?

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Don’t ya think with a few smiles, some direction, and some energy they might not be that bad?

(The camera operator needs to be fed to the pigs though)

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Well there is a version with a techno mix added in which is passable. But the normal one just hurts your ears doesn’t it?

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Holy shnikes did you just one up me?

(Stay on target, googling)

Now I’m wondering if there is some cultural overlap between prog rock and the British industrial scene of the 80s that gave us Coil, Nurse with Wound, TG, early Caberet Voltaire, early Current 93, etc? Don’t both have a similar relationship to continental art movements of the 70s? Aren’t both considered highly “pretentious”? Couldn’t one write a whole book on the subject?

Isn’t this the best cover of Tainted Love?


I’ll see your Nurse with Wound, and perhaps raise with one Justice Yeldham?

(God he is good)

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What would be good, though, is if you could get all of the Canterbury jazz rock bands together and create a festival.

Dear g-d, isn’t that the way the world ends?

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Wow, how did you know what kind of music I listened to in the late 80s?


How about a Diamanda Galas cover band, where you can play this:

And this?

Didn’t we all… or in 90s?

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Did I mention the name of my MAGMA cover band?

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