Did you ever want to play questions?

And doesn’t it depend upon what you soak them in?

Well, isn’t that wonderfully gross?

Or just selectively observant?

If you don’t want to go through the effort of pickling them, did you know that a great warm-weather snack is to spread farmer’s cheese/ricotta/cream cheese on good bread, top with thinly sliced radishes, green onions, and salt & pepper to taste?

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Why do you eat your pho in the bathroom?


Did you know that a version of the first verse is often used to teach students new to poetry that a poem doesn’t have to be long, flowery, and heavily rhymed to be good?

Westron wind, when wilt thou blow
The small rain down can rain
Christ, that my love were in my arms
And I in my bed again.

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OK, before there were alternating grey boxes, now there are lines, so I guess my eyes are fine?

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Why not jump in with what’s current?

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Why not set your notification status to “Watching” so you get linked to the first of the new replies?

Because those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it?

Do you require a transcript of the last hour when you walk into a party? Can one not work backwards? (Do I have a bad habit of swimming upstream?)

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Why miss out on the good jokes with excellently timed punchlines? And is there a service that provides party transcripts? Because who wouldn’t want to get in on that?


Where’d the ‘show full post’ link go on new topics?

Am I going to have to comment without RTFA now?

Like this one?

I believe we’re seeing different things?

Don’t they seem to be there on desktop, but not mobile?

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Wouldn’t that just mean you were like everyone else?


Aren’t I on desktop?

Cache issues maybe?

Can’t I make a reasonable guess on the content based on the headline, and write a reactionary comment in response to that? Won’t that at least drive discussion?


I’d say just reading the full headline alone would put you above most internet commentators, wouldn’t you agree?

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