Why did I just notice you’re sporting the square avatar mod?
Do you want one?
How would I know what my avatar looks like to the masses?
Don’t you think you could use a better hobby?
Schnikes, am I lagging!?
And yet only 100 are showing? Perhaps you need to scroll down?
Do you care?
(I only have it set to square at work; I had forgotten all about it. Technically, ALL avatars appear as square.)
Have I not resigned myself to round at this point, or perhaps even spherical? In the round context, can I at least imagine my avatar as fast and bulbous?
Dangit, is Intro to Ethics going to ruin my GPA?
… …
can you cheat?
“If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying hard enough”?
This is Intro to ethics, right?
Learnin’ by doin’?
(Want to hear my favorite story about me cheating?)
Do you get caught? Is there a moral? Will I at least chuckle? (How can I not take the bait?)
(Oh, I got caught, and didn’t my teachers laugh at my ingenuity before they zeroed the test score?)
Did I ever mention the teacher I had that would award an A for a perfect 0 on a test, but would flunk you if you got only one answer correct?
For multiple choice tests or for regular tests but you had to indicate knowledge of the subject matter which you were intentionally getting wrong?
Ingenuity? Intrigued, am I?
(It was a test on a dickens book that me and a friend never got around to reading. This particular teacher in high school always had a bowl of mints to ‘improve mental function’. We both noticed this, raised our hands and volunteered to fetch them (after we know the subject of the pop quiz) and exited the classroom.
We then hunt down another teacher in the English department and start asking her delving, interesting questions about the book. We both get A’s. Then the two teachers find each other, talk about the odd encounters and circumstances, and zero our test score.
And shake our hands and tell us never to do that again :D)