Did you ever want to play questions?

That would be quite tasty indeed would it not?
How about what I had sauteed the other evening, leeks, tomatoes, and olives?


Did I miss that the call was specifically for fruit ice cream? (What was I in the middle of?) How about prickly pear?


Tuna ice cream?


Wouldn’t that be the right part? Doesn’t it sound odd if you don’t know the cactus?

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Doner kebab pizza? Do I not understand the questionable part? “How can this possibly work?” But why am I still thinking about it? Wouldn’t it have to be a thin crust? Feta cheese? Wouldn’t the biggest issue be making it work and not having people say it’s just a really big flat giro?


But don’t they work quite well?

For the upper crust market

And for when you are drunk and will eat anything from a late night kebab shop?

Grease isn’t bad for you, right?


I thought Greece was bad for the EU (these days, at least)?


@OtherMichael, can you spot my typing tutor?

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Maybe the EU is bad for Greece?



on a more serious note, does anyone here have any idea on the extent to which excess weight interferes with the action of pain medication? would you believe that i’ve lost 85 pounds over the last 5 years but still weigh 320 or so?


Good going! (I’ll take a Donald for that.)

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I remember my doctor telling me that I could take more opioid based painkillers if needed, being a ‘big guy’ I might need them. I think a lot of the efficacy depends on height-to-weight and metabolism. I’m very difficult to prescribe for, I usually end up needing more than initially thought
 looked up this article which goes into some detail about weight vs dosage for opioids:

Dosing Opioids for Optimal Acute Pain Management

The results showed pain relief in 99% of patients with a mean dose of morphine of 10.4 ± 6.2 mg; that is, 0.15 ± 0.09 mg/kg given in 3 boluses.

That’s for straight-up Morphine though, probably asking your Doc is the best idea, unless that call is going to cost you a thousand bucks or something equally insane.

Good going with your continued weight loss, the stuff that comes off slowly tends to stay off, in my experience. :smile:


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Ask and shall not ye receive?


Anybody have experience with Dish’s Sling?

Asked standalone with links

(High five!!)

I went from 270 to 225, and wasn’t I surprised how positively it affected my blood pressure, mood, and general anxiety?

Since I already gave you a programmatic Like, can I give you ten more psychic ones?


Are all the dads having a happy father’s day?

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Not quite yet, but aren’t I plying all my dad friends with pizza, beer, tater salad, pickles, home made ice cream, sausage, wings, grilled veggies and the company of several canines? Oh, did I forget to mention FIRE and VINTAGE ENGINES!?

(As the musk of testosterone fills the air, all the small creature in the land–the squirrels, possums, woodpeckers, snakes, voles, and felines–wait in silent baited breath. The void is only broken by the occasional reverant, “Ooooh’Yup”, or the long, slow, flapping flatulence radiating from around the sacred fire pit.)


Wasn’t it good to talk to my dad, although difficult to hear about how he’s coping with his recent stroke?

And didn’t I get a nice card ‘from’ Jr, and aren’t we going out for a nice lunch shortly?