Did you ever want to play questions?

Does that say vanilla LICE cream? :wink:

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Hey did you know that if you edit a thread title and the URL changes, not only do the old URLs still work, the previews with the old URLs still show the old title? #meta


Doesn’t this belong over in that other thread?

#What do you think?

  • Of course, there is only ONE THREAD in which we can post polls
  • Middle-click
  • I’ve had it with these motherfucking polls on this motherfucking bbs!

0 voters

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@japhroaig what are you experiences with butter sculptures?


who doesn’t like them some butter sculpture. would you believe i watch butter sculptures melt while listening to sun o))) ?

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Why is that butter so yellow?

Hope content > 50%?

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Is it a polarization issue? Do you get the same reception problems if you keep the router on the stacked stands, but orient it vertically?

Would you like some Hope Butter?

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As a person who has smuggled Amish butter into Canada… I need to know… do they deliver internationally?


Can Amish butter be used as bribes to gain access to the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve?


Who told you about the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve and what is their address?


At first wasn’t I like ‘whaaaa’?

And then wasn’t I like “Hmmm”?

And now am I not like “Dude.”?



Was it Michael S. Rogers, 9800 Savage Road, Fort Meade, MD 20755?
(While not very likely, doesn’t it add to the level of conspiracy?)

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Why does Fort Meade want to know about the location of our maple reserve?
Have they weaponized syrup!!?!??


An overly broad interpretation of “Collect it all”?

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They pressed the red button and squished it all around?

Hmmmmm, can I try that tomorrow and get back to you?

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Will you accept my apology if I say that they seem to only deliver locally, as in: primarily south/central Minnesota?

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