Did you ever want to play questions?

As penance for not performing penance, can I offer…


The only thing you can see is your visual cortex and anyway because the brain depends on chemical messengers fitting into receptors, isn’t the whole of experience founded on a tactile sense anyway?

Beyond that, isn’t the part of the universe you are reading right now really the part of your mind shaped like the part of the supposed universe to which you might be referring?

Going further, if we are to accept the universal hypothesis can we not first accept the primacy of mind to both space and time? I’ve got a feeling that something might be out there, but can I really be so sure as to prove it?


And if I ‘refute it thus’ what is more real? The pain, or the rock I imagine caused it?

Couldn’t I go all day?

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Oh thank FSM… There is noone here… So I can be myself?


Aren’t we all, already, together, alone?


Aren’t we?

(Ima gonna give Mindy a run for her money!)

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Isn’t this exactly the place for things people don’t do alone? Isn’t it like pitching out a message in a bottle, with a 100% chance to be received by more than one person?

If you post a question to the thread and nobody is awake to read it, will it count as read?


Is someone running a stopwatch?


I guess so


Are you a robot? And do you bleep more, or bloop more?

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Is that cat watching the last episode of Lost?


Maybe the new Star Trek films?

Why would you think that? Is it robotic to question why you post and then make self referential posts on a regular basis? Doesn’t that predictability seem a little more robotic?

How come I have the trust level of regular… But it doesn’t show? (Conspiracy I tells yas!!)

Should I just append this sig to every post?

Died tragically rescuing his family from the wreckage of a destroyed sinking battleship.

…isn’t that what a rawrbot would say? :smile:

(No, I just do the self referential thing cause that is the way my mind thinks. I constantly have a pseudo Socratic dialog going on in my melon. And if its annoying for you, think how I feel! :smiley: (its annoying (Really!)))

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Could this be the next game?


Would thy be so uncouth?


wasn’t that a quick answer?

Testing… Did this werk?


That is some unobvious UI design. Sure, I know how to make trogdor my avatar and Nathan fillion my background, but a tiny button for title?

Jeff Atwood, do we need a sit-down at Bucks in woodside?


didn’t I have to refresh the page but aye?