The question is: can we harness this technology the next time we get invaded by trollies?
Is flashmob-questioning a thing?
Can we call it InterroBoing‽
The question is: can we harness this technology the next time we get invaded by trollies?
Is flashmob-questioning a thing?
Can we call it InterroBoing‽
Perhaps I should’ve added “in public”, because, yeah, in private (with family, close friends, etc.), fessing up to farting is the best thing to do?
Did anyone bet 1 hour and 21 minutes?
Does this fact illustrate the power of the people?
Isn’t “…in bed” what you’re supposed to add?
In bed, isn’t it called a “dutch oven”?
Do you trust Urban Dictionary as a reference?
At the risk of taking the mickey out of your joke, I need to ask: is that racist against Dutch people?
Well, isn’t this awkward?
Who farted?
Should I trust that about as much as I trust Wikipedia?
How can I answer that without pissing someone off?
Do you want friends who think you are wonderful, or do you want your friends to tell you when your wrong?
is anyone going to tell him?
May I have friends who think I’m wonderfully wrong and tell me when I’m wrongly wonderful?
Might it indicate that we have more questions than answers?
Did anybody expect this thread to take off so well?
Hey @codinghorror where is the setting in Discourse that shows how many people prefer my sober posts vs. my non-sober posts???
Shouldn’t we not disturb our glob?
You’ve posted when you were sober?