Did you ever want to play questions?

The books?

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What’s a “media whore monger”?


Can it have mayonnaise?

Angel cake, or pancakes or something would come out the other end, no?

Foods that are fermented raw?


Why, did he take a photo of the most important part, the ceiling? Because isn’t that how I see the world?


24" between beams? Like 24" on center? Are they 2x4? Can we mount something on top of them to uplight the space? It feels like they’re going to be a little too often to let light really come back down into the space. So I think something underneath might work better, maybe with an uplight component.

What kind of style have you been doing in the house so far?

Cooking = Cabinets?

Isn’t that a trick question, since fermenting is a form of “cooking”, in the sense of altering the molecular structure of the food in a way that is similar to heating it?


If I set up a joke, will someone other than daneel get to it first?


Didn’t he say there was

and in that case, wouldn’t the sunlight shining through from above give sufficient lighting?

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See, isn’t this why I love asking questions? Converted (or Converting?) Non attached garage–isnt it nice to have design immunity from the house?

I hadn’t thought about and uplit space, couldn’t that be rad?

(No cabinets, some shelving, debating build vs buy)

There is a roof, but no ceiling, this being a garage conversion done on the cheap–would something like this look too cheesy? (My wife mocks me, but I like modernist minimalist architecture and design, she is more Victorian)


And isn’t the other common method of cooking denaturing proteins in the presence of mild acids, a la ceviche?



Hey, guess how much I paid for this?

It was cheap and don’t you think you oughta get one too for that laptop? Maybe a keyboard and mousie too, to save your back because you type so much?


Actually, would you believe mine is a usb attached device that only gets used when I’m plotting out wifi signal maps?

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Wasn’t there a story about 2 trucks driving into the Seine within a week of each other on NPR that blamed the incidents on GPS?

well laptop screens are so tiny aren’t they?
shouldn’t we all get at least a 17" screen for our laptop so we only need the external keyboard and mouse?

Wasn’t that on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me this last weekend?

Didn’t one of chemistry professors always say “Cooking is chemistry with less precise measurements”?
Wasn’t this supposed to be a response to @anon67050589? How on earth did that happen?

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