Did you ever want to play questions?

Mr. @japhroaig, I am a simple man – what, pray tell, Mr. @japhroaig, is an Oligarchy Stout?

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A stout that ‘you made’ by coercion of your workforce and unethical favors from other brewers?


How about a patriarchy porter?

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Do you know that Captain Kangaroo NEVER said my name? Why didn’t captain kangaroo love me?

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Isn’t it true I never assign text books anymore when I teach? Don’t I have them read novels or monographs, which tend to be cheaper and have them use an online text like the American Yawp?



Aren’t we dames of awesome-ness?


Isn’t it a bummer that my major doesn’t involve the reading of novels and so forth?


Presumably you enjoy the reading you’re doing? Is it a science field? Aren’t their books more expensive anyway? Are there rental alternatives or free online alternatives?

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As a business major, isn’t most of my reading going to involve case studies and formulas and fun stuff like that? (I am looking forward to learning loads of new stuff!)

Isn’t one thing that’s been bugging me the “custom” textbooks the school gets from the publisher? And doesn’t it suck that there might be some extra or deleted bits from the original text, along with a required online code, so buying a used version is out of the question?


Ugh? Shouldn’t that be considered unfair competition? I wonder if this is better or worse in business programs vs. more traditional academic disciplines? Aren’t universities becoming corporatized across the board anyway? Don’t I find that depressing?

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Didn’t I find it to be a problem with several of my non-major classes as well? Is it the way that publishers squeeze more and more money out of the same old texts?


Isnt’ that just the way? Isn’t academic publishing a scam, but isn’t it also the only way many professors get any money out of their publications, because not all historians can be Doris Goodwin Kearns? Don’t I bet Eric Foner makes a good bit on his history text book, but isn’t he a rarity?


Wasn’t this the only academic textbook I bought that was useful outside of my course?

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Does Abbot’s Flatland count as an academic textbook?


Pro tip–any time you are axed for a Forecast, drop your goldplated mic, do a karate kick at the wall, smash a guitar, and scream, “Can you forecast this, MY HOMIES???”

(Business theories are kinda cool; the formulas for accounting/burnrate/cash flow are neat but should be bog standard pivot charts; and anyone that offers forecasts or ‘guidance’ should get addicted to opiates asap cause you’ll soon learn that life is a lie there is no joy and everything is either meaningless or evil).

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Doesn’t that depend on your field and whether it was assigned in a class, maybe?

Can I forecast that that will goes as well as “avant-garde-stylee” DNS updates?


Mr. @japhroaig - have you ever visited here, pray tell? Do let us know, will you, Mr. @japhroaig?


Did you know that’s exactly what I learned in my lower division business communication class?


Isn’t it still summer, so the Lambic is the only right choice?