Did you ever want to play questions?

Didn’t I just spend the last few days cleaning my newly-dried giant batch of home-grown?

Oh that wasn’t what you meant?


Why bother showing up?


Wouldn’t I prefer not to? Don’t I try to do things like that remotely anyway? Isn’t not showing up half the battle?


What’s the point of having a live class if the instructor is just reading slide text (seriously, reading each and every word like a narrator instead of using PP to add to a real lecture) that was prepared by the book publisher?


GGAAAAHHH, why!? Yes, I am not questioning putting speaker notes or accessibility techniques in slides, but can we agree that PPT is most effective as a visual enhancer and not an eye chart?

(No more than a dozen words per slide, bullet lists should be short, pithy, and memorable. Speakers notes should be conversational. This reinforces your points three times–with a graphical representation, an ‘eye worm’ on the slide, and the actual conversation. Please I need a Donald)


Do you have a tomato mill? Didn’t I object on the seemingly unitasking nature of the gadget, but we’ve found many uses?

And aren’t we looking forward to processing considerably more than 30 lbs over the next 3 weeks?

I really need to post a pic or two of the tomato/pepper grow op, don’t I?


You know, don’t I kind of enjoy using an immersion blender and a chinois? And isn’t it always amazing when you get something like three tons of produce and it makes a quart and a half?


While the immersion blender is an idea, can I tell you how much faster using the mill is compared to straining the skins and seeds out?

(This is a random youtube video, this is not my kitchen, but why does she have my fugly green tupperware bowl?)


And what are those many uses, other than tomatoes/potatoes/apples?

A Donald? Don’t you need an intervention?


How do you get the stains out?


Squash, gourdes, and probably we could make pepper paste, but haven’t tried? And by unitasker, do I not mean ‘single purpose for single thing’ such as an apple corer (doesn’t work on pitted fruits fer shit) or manual citrus juicer (inherited grandma’s ancient glass one)?

Would you believe we haven’t tried using this for potatoes? Don’t we like some lumps in our mashed potatoes? And bits of potato skin?

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Is my favorite kitchen tool the bottle-green glass juicer I bought at an junk shop up in Maine and spent an hour detailing with a toothbrush? And doesn’t one of us use it 10+ times a year to make lemonade or ice cream? And even unused doesn’t it look marvelous?

Ditto my hand-mixer in yellow?

Not a pic of my actual mixer, which has less cracks, and also took 1+ hour with a toothbrush, but can’t I make lovely egg-white mountains or pretend-old-movies? (Not the right model; isn’t my handle different?)


Isn’t the tomato mill just about the best tool for pureeing both peaches and figs? And what am I going to do with these seven quarts of fig puree I just made? Should I stick it in the freezer and worry about it in February when I’m not sick of fresh figs anymore?


Get @japhroaig to make fig ice cream?


Seven quarts of fig puree!?


Wouldn’t that be amazing, with perhaps chunks of salted caramel?


Isn’t this the sort of thing we bought a foodsaver to facilitate? Aren’t those vacuum sealed bags the bestest for longer-term freezing?

Did you know you can freeze tomatoes whole and it’s super easy to sauce 'em after thawing because the skins just fall off and they’re half pureed by the freeze thaw process? And don’t they sound just like billiards balls once frozen?


Make Mahia?

Isn’t that the problem with having a huge 50-year-old fig tree? Doesn’t every fig ripen at the same time within a week or so? Aren’t they a pain in the ass to dry properly, especially when my little drying shed is taken up for other uses? Don’t I get heartily sick of figs for a couple of weeks in the spring and midsummer?