Did you ever want to play questions?




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Do you follow Alice the West Seattle astronomer?

Show up at this guy’s house?


Does she have a non twitter thingy to follow? (and no I have not heard of this apparently awesome person)

And isn’t that way over in West Seattle which is kind of a PITA to get to from North Seattle?

Doesn’t she have a website?

Didn’t we meet her once at some event a couple of years ago at Lincoln Park? (a comet? Can I remember?)
(and wasn’t that more convenient when we lived over there?)

Move to West Seattle?

And don’t I have it bookmarked now?

Ummm no? (though there is some pretty cool stuff over there)


…but this works?

Different video?

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According to google night sky, the moon appears to be directly overhead… am I really going to have to go outside to watch this rare astronomical event? Can’t I stay indoors with my booze and my complete lack of awe?

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Keep drinking, google for photos tomorrow, if you can really be bothered?


…after looking out my dorkiest cardigan!?

TBH I really want to go out and scream about how awesome it is so my noisy neighbours get a little taste of their own medicine, although might that be a little contentious on a school night?


Live stream work for anyone?

Looks like I have a long night ahead of me?

It begins at 0110 BST when the Moon enters the lightest part of the Earth’s shadow, the penumbra.
Soon after the Moon will have a slight yellowish hue.
At 0207 BST the Moon starts to enter the dark core of the Earth’s shadow, the umbra.
At 0311 BST the Moon will be completely within the umbra – the ‘total’ part of the eclipse has begun. This is the time when it should have an obvious red colour.
Mid-eclipse is at 0347 BST and the total phase ends at 0424 BST.
At 0527 BST the Moon leaves the umbra and the eclipse ends when the Moon leaves the penumbra at 0624 BST.

Isn’t it too early at their location?

Do you have a lat / lon for where you are? http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/LunarEclipse.php

waitaminute, that’s something to do with angles right?

Have you ever watched one? When you’re standing around in the dark it feels like it takes forever. When you’re at home on a cloudy night and want to be outside it feels like it’s over too soon.

It won’t start to get noticeably dark until another hour, can you stay up?

Oh yeah, going to be going outside every 20 mins to get pics and bask in the glow… or lack thereof, potentially with a nice beverage… only thing I’m missing is something to smoke, anyone able to send me some through the aether?

oh wait… maybe some emergency pickin’s about?

Ok, heading out…

Orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip?

3 Orange whips?


Wouldn’t you know it’s still below our horizon here?