Did you ever want to play questions?

Didn’t I used to? Now isn’t there no reason, since we never go anywhere anymore? Don’t we get no trick or treaters out where we are, either?

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Didn’t one of my classmates tell me that kids are doing more mall-related trick-or-treating, and something called “trunk-or-treat” (all my life, I never heard of such a thing) around here? Maybe that’s what they’re doing in your area?

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WTF is “trunk or treat”??

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Didn’t I have to google it after she told me?

How sheltered are these kids?
(I mean, I know, I deal with 1st year university students… but how more sheltered can they become?)


Isn’t it weird? When I was a sprout, didn’t we try to visit ALL THE HOUSES AND APARTMENTS nearby, to maximize our loot haul? Didn’t we know to throw out unwrapped or homemade stuff? Is the world so much more dangerous now?


Its not is it? Isn’t it actually safer now than when we were young? Aren’t we all in a 20 years low for crimes? How is it that we’re getting safer and also more frightened?


Well, when I was young, and troubles were real, wasn’t I lucky to have a mom who didn’t try to shelter me from the world, since she knew I’d have to fend for myself one day? Didn’t she give me room to explore? Didn’t she also make sure to punish me when I was being a little shit?

Is that kind of parenting less popular these days?


Isn’t that kind of parenting punishable by law these days?


Ugh, did I push that fact out of my brain or what? What do they call that, nanny state or something? Bleeeehhhhhhhh.


Isn’t it part of a larger pattern? Aren’t these families the type who move to the suburbs to get away from crime? And yet still keep seeing crime around every corner?

(Hint: my kids have lived their entire lives on the south side of Chicago, and have gone trick-or-treating without adult supervision since around the age of 10 or so. So far, no razor blades or poisons.)


Is it tho?
I grew up in the suburbs, and the more urban-burbs, and didn’t my mother let me run wild for hours at a time? Wasn’t I latch-key kid in grade two?


Is anyone else going to collapse in front of the TV on Sunday night with a very good bottle of wine after a weekend of Halloween activities, getting the exchange student up-and-at-'em that morning (slumber party after trick-or-treating…sure, it’ll be easy to get everyone going on Sunday) to get ready to leave for the airport in the early afternoon, making sure the youngest gets to tutoring in a different part of town after two weeks off (because of said exchange student), and everything is in order and SENT on the Early Action and Early Decision college apps for the high school senior?

Anyone care to join me? :smile:

(When I totally mess up a recipe I’ve made my entire life – which was going to be sent out to the BB exchange group – you KNOW I’m at the end of my rope.)


So then your family didn’t move there in a paranoid attempt to “get away from crime”?

(You know the type, right?)

Anyone else, when you were a wee tot, had parents that would ‘test’ your Halloween candy “just to be sure it was safe”?


Isn’t where we lived actually the suburbs? But didn’t the rest of the family, who lived in the country, refer to it as the “dirty city”?


Don’t I have cousins who moved from a suburb about 25 miles away from Chicago (which didn’t even exist when I was growing up) to one about 10 miles further out because the closer-in suburb had become “too much like the city” for them?

(Translation: there was a small cluster of people from the Indian subcontinent who had moved out there.)


Well, haven’t I just had a really shitty time in the The Thing and Israeli soldier costume for kids threads?

Fuckin’ hell, I need a unicorn chaser.


Would you like to come join me in the Violent asshole cop thread?


Are you asking for backup, or recommending that the rest of us stay far, far away?