Did you ever want to play questions?

… sewage?

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Poop vodka?

Chonkin strikes up a conversation with Gladyshev and admits that he slept outside because of an argument with Nura. Gladyshev lowers his voice to criticize his wife and tells Chonkin to stay clear of women – they’re only trouble. Gladyshev invites Chonkin into his house for some breakfast. As soon as Chonkin steps into the house, he is almost knocked over by the stench of the fertilizer. Gladyshev says Chonkin will soon get used to the smell, and besides, the negative attitude people have to fertilizer and dung is undeserved. Dung, he says, is the most valuable substance on Earth. “All our life comes from dung, and into dung it returns.” Dung fertilizes the plants we eat, which then gets turned back into dung.

Gladyshev cooks some eggs and pours out some moonshine vodka. Chonkin gulps down the vodka and chokes from the powerful effect. Gladyshev demonstrates with a match that the vodka is flammable. Chonkin says it’s first-rate moonshine and asks if it was made from potatoes or beets. Gladyshev proudly answers: “It’s made from dung…one kilo of dung to one kilo of sugar.” Chonkin reacts with horror and rushes outside to vomit. [emphasis added]


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I only drink poop coffee thanks, at least, isn’t it crapped out by marmosets or something?


These guys?
Isn’t just about any fresh ground coffee prepared properly going to be good though?

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Don’t I really drink it for the drug-effect? Isn’t taste, temperature and even a working container ancillary to my addiction?

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I’m all done now, promise, can you open the pod bay doors, I’d like to come back inside?

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Did you bring donuts?


Why did I start reading that rabbit hole of crazy?


Does KSR play KSP?


You mean, like, car donuts or Homer Simpson donuts? I have a couple donut holes, I left them in this pocket… Hey!.. WTH!.. there’s a hole in my pocket!.. where did my holes go!?


Hmmm, and from what perspective are you encountering the crazy?

You’re not pro-non-space-flight are you!?

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Can I go in with I think humans will eventually figure something out but not in anything close our great great grandkids lifetimes?


Oh!.. you’re one of those people that believes in death, how can I even talk to you any more?


Spacetime Donuts?


As a serious reply, yeah, couldn’t agree more… Are these problems insurmountable? Puh-lease!.. is anyone of an adult age likely to see any of these developments? Probably depends if you are a billionaire-trillionaire by the time they put you on ice, and can wake you up again maybe another 50-100 years after that… but who the hell is going to want to wake up a bunch of climate-destroying assholes from before telepathy existed?

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Uh, can you introduce me to your space-donut friend?


OK, that’s 2 dick jokes in as many minutes, maybe I need a break?

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Isn’t being a conservator, docent or shepherd of dick jokes a solemn responsibility? But Hark, can we not rely on Jeremy Clarkson to meld both Donuts and juvenile humor into something glorious?


Do we need an Agrarian Erotica Fanfic thread?


Doesn’t @OtherMichael have a bot to write it for us?