Did you ever want to play questions?

Ain’t it cool!!!?

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I dunno…didn’t that seem like a pretty epic rant he had about Tarantino’s outsized ego?


I dunno… should it be?

Do you have a link? Wouldn’t I love to read that? Don’t one of my children and I have regular discussions about how crazy and dangerous someone has to be before it affects your perception of their utter genius in their chosen field, using Tarantino as Exhibit A?

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Does not anybody have seen “Love actually”, or even for the second or third time? And not dropped a teer or two or three?
Edit, more.

How about…if you like Tarantino films, you’ll really like this?

Aren’t the cast really good, although a couple are perhaps underused?
Doesn’t it have lots of long, funny diversions, great dialogue, and lots of violence, after a long build-up?

Doesn’t it look great? Aren’t Sam L Jackson and Kurt Russell awesome? Wasn’t it great to see Tim Roth again? Who is Walton Goggins?

Edit: did I forget to mention the Morricone score?


One other thing, from the trailers - Michael Bay has made a Benghazi film???


The hell?


Ian Murdock died. Anybody interested, or I’m a even stranger lone mutant also over here?

Edit: redrawn.


Whooa… I just saw that on ars, was it really suicide? (2015 can’t be over soon enough)


Jebus, people were egging him on???


Doesn’t it seem this is one of those situations where we may not be able to make sense of it soon, if ever?


Whoooa, wtf!?

What if I kinda like the movies of his that are the least self-consciously Tarantino® Flix? If I really wanna see a beautifully-shot Western in 70mm with Jackson and Russell in it, but would rather not put up with QT’s more self-indulgent wankery? Might I enjoy it anyway?

Aren’t I still torn, though my brother calls it his favorite movie of 2015? (Don’t I still mistrust his judgment because he didn’t love Mad Max: Fury Road? Can you blame me?)


Almost entirely indoors, though?

Are you able to get over his driving trollies with particular curse words, and some misogyny?

Didn’t I read a review that said the whole film was like the first scene of Inglourious Basterds? Didn’t it remind me of Reservoir Dogs more than anything else he’s done?


Yeah, isn’t that the real driving trollies?

Oh yeah, don’t I still laugh at Blazing Saddles and Deadwood in near-equal measure? Am I not one who typically views such evils through a similar lens to how I view horror movies? (i.e., not as positive exemplars for appropriate behavior?)

Should I watch Reservoir Dogs one of these days, since I never have before, and since I don’t remember Inglourious Basterds well enough to recall what happened in its first scene?


Col Landa talking with the guy hiding people in his basement? Wasn’t the point of the comparison the idea of quietly building tension as nobody trusts anyone else?

Shouldn’t you get yourself to a film streaming site post-haste for RD if you like non self-indulgent QT? Isn’t that an awesomely tight little heist film? Wouldn’t I put it second in my list of Tarantino films behind Jackie Brown (unless I’m allowed to count True Romance)?


Didn’t I always suspect that your opinion was valuable to me? Don’t I find reassurance in the fact that your three favorite Tarantino flix are the only three that I haven’t seen? (Not counting Hateful Eight and Four Rooms, I believe?)

Ahh… isn’t that great little scene the only one that really stuck with me in that movie?

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More than the drinking game? And Mike Myers?

Isn’t Fassbender the best thing in that film other than Waltz?

Waitaminute…you’ve seen Death Proof but not JB or RD? Or TR?


Wait, @Donald_Petersen et al should I rewatch Jackie Brown? ( Reservior Dogs is so great I want popcorn while thinking about it)

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The last great film De Niro ever made? (do you count Ronin?) Why wouldn’t you watch it again?

Isn’t it the one that most stands up to repeat viewings? Wasn’t I underwhelmed when I first saw it but have come to love it?

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