979797979797979797979797979797979797979797979 to the infinity power?
Did you know 979797979797979797979797979797979797979797979 is a prime number? Did I just use 979797979797979797979797979797979797979797979 since my program popped that out and it’s otherwise peripheral?
That’s just staining/gloop stuck on you and not actual damage, right?
Is it just a crusty layer of crud? How did i forget that urethane is so hard to get off?
Isn’t it interesting that the comments for that slam poetry story all seem to be from males?
Haven’t I not looked there to avoid embarrassment?
Mightn’t that be for the best, if you want to retain a sunny mindset for the day?
Didn’t I make the mistake of reading through that thread with my morning tea?
Didn’t I do the same?
High Five?
Isn’t that standard protocol for members of the “cabal”?
OTOH, I’m waiting for certain members of the BB cabal to drop in with
their soda-slurping GIFs and for the bans to happen shortly after.
Hmmmm, so if I post a slurp gif, it’s a signal that someone gets the banhammer?
Wait, what? Did I go to a Brian Cox show and totally forget about it? How is that possible? (Why do I salivate over geeky men?)
Please remember that the medication I’m on continues the “chemo brain” phenomenon for as long as I’m using it, so in all seriousness, I forget A LOT these days. They say it’s temporary, and will stop as soon as the medication is discontinued, but by then I’ll be old enough to have “senior brain” instead. Sigh.
Have you tried a thin coating of Vaseline on your hands prior to starting the work?
What did you expect, as they are only defending themselves from those evil wimmins!?
hasn’t it already ruined my day?
Isn’t that the Illuminati symbol thingie? Doesn’t Beyonce throw that all the time, too?
And I just had to go and look didn’t I? I guess there isn’t any direction but up for the day now, right?
Tsk, tsk, isn’t it like a woman to go into forums where she’s not wanted?
Does that include everywhere that’s not a kitchen or perhaps a sewing bee at the local church?