Did you ever want to play questions?

Yeah, what the hell, right?


Anybody else wondering what DeVotchKa is doing to the score for Sweeny Todd?


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You don’t think it’s better than just waiting to vomit again?

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You should have a kid born on the 15th and too much to do that day already with birthday cakes and whatnot, wouldn’t that get you more organized?


Wouldn’t you think that with a tax-professional in the family, I’d get it done within a couple of days of receiving my paperwork? Isn’t this the earliest I’ve ever done it?


What the fuck is going on in that weird robot torture thread? Talk about jumping the roboshark, how did it devolve into women as prizes?

Crikey, threads like that make me want to avoid getting Regular status if I have to read through drivel like that.


Wait, you just send all your stuff off to someone and they do your taxes for free and you procrastinate on the part that involves sending off paperwork? If that’s all I had to do for taxes I’d have them done in February of every year because as Jerome Jerome (talk about a great rapper name) said, “I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.”

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Idle thoughts of an idle fellow?


Possibly more along the lines of envious thoughts of a fellow trying to get his wife to find her W2?


Canuckistanis - which laydee do you want on your monies?

(I can’t remember, do you have the Queen on already?)

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##Which sort of thread draws the most disturbing comments?

  • Gamergate/MRA/Sarkeesian/FemFreq
  • Anything that brings in Trump supporters
  • Atheism/Religion topics that pull in hard-core believer/disbelievers
  • Feminists doing slam poetry
  • Gun control arguments
  • Fluoridation
  • Knife sharpening technique word battles
  • Robot torture threads erupting into brain torture for anyone reading the thread
  • White slavery debates
  • 500,000 words and growing of African-Kemetic Myth Jesus stuff
  • Questions threads
  • Anything that causes @nemomen to show up.
  • Most of the above except the questions thread.

0 voters


Gamergaters, with their sudden arrival and incessant spamming are the worst, right? Don’t gun threads just dissolve to people repeating the talking points we know they’ll trot out? And fluoride threads as well?


Have you watched the Michael Pollan “Cooked” series on Netflix?
Didn’t I have to read the book for a writing class a couple of years ago, and didn’t I enjoy it immensely, so wasn’t I happy to see that there was a doc series to go with it?

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Where did I put my handheld GPS?

Wouldn’t it figure that that I find it moments later?

And while I’m organizing camera gear, would anyone like to guess how many Polaroid cameras I own? Bonus points if you can figure out how many were made obsolete this week alone.

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Ummmmm… 8?

11, isn’t that insane? Four were made obsolete with the discontinuation of Fuji’s peel apart film, and doesn’t that suck?


Did you ever own the Polaroid i-zone?


Do you mean your cellphone?

you don’t think the african kemetic thread is fun? while there may be walls of text and laments and wails, isn’t it still civilized, funny, and enlightening?